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 首页 » 个人文集 »  ceo/cfo(992)

     Talking about 绍兴路, I have a 老前辈 friend, (452 byte) 2005-11-25 0:59 (280 reads)
     Bring this up:Then, my dad told me a true story happened in the "old China. (1312 byte) 2005-11-24 13:02 (1189 reads)
     Bring this up. 老干部 during cultural revolution some of (458 byte) 2005-11-24 5:59 (642 reads)
     Sometimes the loss is a gain: (454 byte) 2005-11-24 1:51 (449 reads)
     Share with you my experience on this: my father's family had several (662 byte) 2005-11-24 1:13 (476 reads)
     Comment on 任何投资到了出seminar的地步,就是说smart money已经开始离场 (1826 byte) 2005-11-23 22:52 (397 reads)
     Good morning 吴越MM, sorry for the delay in response; I was tied up yesterday. (2707 byte) 2005-11-23 21:11 (475 reads)
     Some facts to share with you: from WSJ (1083 byte) 2005-11-22 8:01 (698 reads)
     The New White Flight (zt) This is happening in California: (15497 byte) 2005-11-22 7:43 (860 reads)
     Copper Price Points To Beijing Activity (zt) (5916 byte) 2005-11-22 5:53 (1119 reads)
     陸家嘴竹園地塊 李嘉誠奪標(zt) (870 byte) 2005-11-22 2:56 (1304 reads)
     “长恨歌”电影我没看过. I did. You didn't miss anything but (639 byte) 2005-11-21 11:00 (338 reads)
     “中国第一大款警察”的恶行 Speechless!!! (5981 byte) 2005-11-20 12:03 (857 reads)
     原公安部副部长落马纪实 (5894 byte) 2005-11-20 10:52 (1477 reads)
     未雨綢繆! 《專題1》退休計畫撐腰 安享晚年101 (zt) Only suitable for people in America. (8603 byte) 2005-11-20 10:13 (1082 reads)
     上海樓市十月泥沼--3 (1138 byte) 2005-11-20 8:05 (531 reads)
     上海樓市十月泥沼--2 (1081 byte) 2005-11-20 8:04 (605 reads)
     上海樓市十月泥沼(zt)--1 (1201 byte) 2005-11-20 8:02 (1384 reads)
     榮毅仁 紅色資本家傳奇 (2) (1588 byte) 2005-11-20 7:53 (348 reads)
     榮毅仁 紅色資本家傳奇(zt) The only capitalist survivor: (1129 byte) 2005-11-20 7:51 (850 reads)
     中央新闻联播的惊人发现(不许笑) (547 byte) 2005-11-16 10:31 (2438 reads)
     教你一招: 在国内的同学们注意了 (280 byte) 2005-11-16 10:16 (1568 reads)
     大陸科技部:人用禽流感疫苗製成,下旬進行檢定 即將臨床實驗 (415 byte) 2005-11-16 10:05 (923 reads)
     美警告僑民 廣州地區可能有恐襲(zt) (308 byte) 2005-11-16 10:01 (491 reads)
     韓國大宇尋買家 屬意海爾(zt) (471 byte) 2005-11-16 9:51 (741 reads)
     通用利空接踵 破產陰影籠罩 GM is going to be bankrupt?? (948 byte) 2005-11-16 9:47 (735 reads)
     警訊頻傳 房市若垮影響深遠(zt)Anything goes up too fast and too much will go down!, a lot. (895 byte) 2005-11-13 23:29 (620 reads)
     兌換航空哩程 暗藏玄機. No wonder. Couldn't redeem my miles for tickets. (1677 byte) 2005-11-13 23:10 (1124 reads)
     日擬購美124枚愛國者導彈(zt) Now what? What is next? (425 byte) 2005-11-13 23:02 (775 reads)
     大陸最年輕富豪 兩年內全面接管龐大集團. NND, 真是无毒不丈夫! (685 byte) 2005-11-13 22:50 (1823 reads)
     畫家陳逸飛遺屬爭產,陳逸飛未留下遺囑.(zt) Could not believe this:No will left!? (836 byte) 2005-11-13 22:40 (1075 reads)
     陳逸飛現象(zt) (253 byte) 2005-11-13 22:36 (786 reads)
     He was my hero when I was a student; he is my "god" when I become an investor. (20377 byte) 2005-11-13 22:17 (854 reads)
     The ipo you mentioned is a partial spinoff from Loews Corp. (596 byte) 2005-11-13 11:05 (235 reads)
     Yes, most of them are!! (0 byte) 2005-11-12 21:31 (376 reads)
     那就是说上海的房子跌定了? No way! Last night got a phone call (413 byte) 2005-11-12 20:51 (728 reads)
     My comment on this 70 year ownership thing: (282 byte) 2005-11-12 7:23 (436 reads)
     《華爾街日報》2005年商界女性50強 (3225 byte) 2005-11-03 0:15 (678 reads)
     包頭富翁命案 港富商下毒手(zt) Deep sigh! (1310 byte) 2005-11-02 7:05 (845 reads)
     袁寶逃過死刑 另有隱情?(zt) (583 byte) 2005-11-02 7:02 (1045 reads)
     北京空汙 世界第一(zt) I am afraid it is true. Something needs to be done asap!!! (480 byte) 2005-11-02 6:56 (1172 reads)
     上海、寧波、蘇州 三港爭霸 (zt) It is awesome! (869 byte) 2005-11-02 6:54 (1106 reads)
     美債市前景混沌 投資人變保守Two keys to the bond market:: interest rate and inflation rate. (458 byte) 2005-11-01 4:12 (1048 reads)
     日本擴張軍力 小泉力倡修憲(zt) Any comment from our friends living in Japan? (748 byte) 2005-11-01 4:08 (850 reads)
     諾貝爾文學獎 曹乃謙被看好(zt) (872 byte) 2005-11-01 2:18 (991 reads)
     諾貝爾文學獎 曹乃謙被看好(zt) (872 byte) 2005-11-01 2:17 (818 reads)
     中國富豪部落 揭密(zt) (686 byte) 2005-11-01 2:11 (794 reads)
     丘比特之箭 射向上海白骨精 (zt) (547 byte) 2005-11-01 2:02 (1315 reads)
     My recent China trip was so educational!! Here is what I have learned: (452 byte) 2005-10-30 10:48 (1113 reads)
     ●當島主不是夢(zt) I am bringing this up and thinking (925 byte) 2005-10-30 10:33 (834 reads)
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