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Mourn for the Gernamy Voyagers, 911 Distress USA Prodigies

Last winter the weather is vehemently cold, chill, frigidity and the north wind was blasting vehemently all the trees, street, and the voyagers. Since last September China and its neibourhood country-Japan engendered the enormous illogicality and conflict with regards their boundary ’Fishing Island’ and I zestfully wish all the contradiction, attrition, and entanglemant could be solved successfully fraternally, and peacefully. Furthermore, to my surprise, the transcendent table tennis player at our country-Mr. Zedong Zhuang who inaugurated and interlinked the honest injun coquettish friendship bridge and ligament between majestic China and U. S. America in 1972, died last December ascribed to the thanatoid cancer. I can not believe my eyes, inasmuch that he is only 72 years old but his reputation and achievements is egregiously pyrotechnic and unhackneyed! From then on the refulgent gorgeous friendship bridge and ligament between China and U. S. America broken fortunately. How catastrophic calamitous, and disastrous it is! It is still catastrophic that more than 40 zestful Germany voyagers was scorched to death at one huge peregrination saloon vehicle on last 2, October at the Beijing-Tianjin high-way. There are just the driver and one travel cicerone were the Chinese people and all the death people were Germany human beings. I also could not believe my eyes concerning on this calamitous news! I deem that this catastrophic and calamitous news affair must induced the tremendous negative execrable impacts, influence, and reputation pointing into our Chinese people, inasmuch that too many myriad benevolent Germany people died in this vehicle accidence! By the same token, in 2001 I was still living eudaemonically and atwitterly at effulgent Ames, Iowa State of USA, I can hardly believe that three planes crashed the supernally World-Commercial Skyscripters situated at Big Apple-New York, and more than 3000 financial business computer prodigies and CEO mikados was scorched to death, smash. tumble, and broken to death etc.! How calamitous catastrophic disastrous it was! I have never seen and encountered such calamitous catastrophic matter in my life, such thing still much more calamitous catastrophic than all the things happened at my homeland-China, one developing country! I dithyrambically pray that all the innocent immaculate pneuma and soul and of all the death USA people could gradually subside, conciliate and peace, and their relatives could gradually feeling a little more euphorigenic and eudaemonic. It is worthy to conciliative that suspect culprit Bin Laden was punished to death two years ago, and I forsooth wish that the global world could veraciously gradually become more and more blithesome, harmonious, meretricious, gewgawish, auspicious, hedonistic and orgiastic. I wish God could bless us! Thank you very much!

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