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     Fed可望持續升息明年應買進美元(zt) (882 byte) 2005-12-30 6:09 (766 reads)
     第一美女保鑣 下海從商(zt)Man, she is beautiful! I definitely (657 byte) 2005-12-27 1:11 (1095 reads)
     (5444 byte) 2005-12-25 20:59 (853 reads)
     Since 250 and other 大佬 are absent tonight and since I am home alone (1756 byte) 2005-12-25 8:54 (964 reads)
     四省市兩部委 調動一把手(zt) (447 byte) 2005-12-24 11:35 (393 reads)
     中國科學家使一種抗癌藥柳暗花明(zt) This could be a decent (4156 byte) 2005-12-24 5:33 (1144 reads)
     李鸿章幕府的“洋帮” (4455 byte) 2005-12-21 11:25 (1125 reads)
     真人真事,实话实说。 (4426 byte) 2005-12-21 10:09 (1165 reads)
     Anyone knows Sarah Brightman, the singer? I like her songs. (28 byte) 2005-12-21 6:25 (1104 reads)
     北京恭王府 花四億大修(zt) (547 byte) 2005-12-21 6:23 (837 reads)
     副總參謀長熊光楷退役(zt) (651 byte) 2005-12-21 6:17 (881 reads)
     (图文)蒋介石为争夺日本情侣进行的一次“决斗”(zt) (998 byte) 2005-12-21 6:13 (715 reads)
     新北京話 大院文化改變城市人格 (zt) 1 of 3 (1146 byte) 2005-12-19 5:57 (881 reads)
     人民幣急漲 連四日創新高 (zt) (677 byte) 2005-12-19 5:41 (1264 reads)
     Why EMBA is so hot in Asia? We call it MBA-lite as like Miller lite, or Budlite. xixi. (1302 byte) 2005-12-19 5:36 (1059 reads)
     Who said the broken mirror cannot be repaired??? (1040 byte) 2005-12-19 2:41 (499 reads)
     劉少奇幼子 將升軍科院政委 (zt) One question, is he going to study (784 byte) 2005-12-19 2:35 (788 reads)
     Have women in this country been too much spoiled? (1837 byte) 2005-12-18 23:34 (594 reads)
     Here is the welcome home gift for Beijing Yuan Ren brother: (7689 byte) 2005-12-18 23:22 (948 reads)
     To bring this up from fishingsu brother, yes Ranbaxy lost (619 byte) 2005-12-18 21:33 (982 reads)
     Investment report from Shanghai那不是一般的旅馆,是假日酒店,人们不仅去开会,去吃蟹(阳澄湖边最大的蟹市就在酒店边上 (802 byte) 2005-12-17 20:59 (1607 reads)
     Today I am a child!! (1605 byte) 2005-12-16 2:23 (950 reads)
     中國超過美國成為全球最大的信息科技產品供應商 Way to go! but there is still (958 byte) 2005-12-14 21:29 (1314 reads)
     大型經紀公司從瑞穗的誤操作巨損中漁利 Would you do the same  if you could legally benefit (1931 byte) 2005-12-14 21:24 (704 reads)
     Bringing this comment up to 功夫兄 on hospital in Beijing. (812 byte) 2005-12-13 23:35 (830 reads)
     I was thinking to quit posting until YMC 's posting popped up today. (1071 byte) 2005-12-07 7:42 (933 reads)
     上海樓王 業主3億不賣 (zt) (767 byte) 2005-12-05 10:58 (876 reads)
     跨境房展几乎已经成为交投平淡之下的上海高档住宅的最大期待 (1309 byte) 2005-12-04 0:25 (1375 reads)
     《風向》美日關係的冷熱變化 (zt) (1385 byte) 2005-12-03 6:31 (1175 reads)
     洛克斐勒 改造上海北外灘(zt) What did they need John D.'s name for? (635 byte) 2005-12-03 6:22 (977 reads)
     專家:銅價上看8000美元(zt) Have China covered the short position yet? (465 byte) 2005-12-03 6:19 (1383 reads)
     富豪駕寶馬校園徵婚 轟動(zt) 男人的钱一定要相信! (965 byte) 2005-12-03 6:12 (923 reads)
     豪華裝修風行 室內空氣污染嚴重 (zt) 1 of 2 (1186 byte) 2005-12-02 11:34 (1036 reads)
     《專題2》遺產規劃 造福後人 (zt) 1 of 7 (1179 byte) 2005-12-02 10:31 (887 reads)
     Follow YMC's posting on remodeling houses: Comment on your statement (1469 byte) 2005-12-02 6:35 (721 reads)
     富豪買名車 出手真闊氣. The gap between haves and have-nots is so huge in China. (526 byte) 2005-12-01 9:20 (902 reads)
     溫家寶:農村義務教育 學雜費全免 Finally!!! Ding! (585 byte) 2005-12-01 9:10 (1008 reads)
     “同学们,我来晚了。"  俺不做投行,but know a very little about it. (1037 byte) 2005-11-30 1:26 (815 reads)
     Stronger RMB 有助于中国。I have always loved her articles, impartial, unbiased, and supported (4730 byte) 2005-11-29 6:22 (1276 reads)
     吃花生醬 接吻致命. Talking about the "kiss of death." (381 byte) 2005-11-29 2:56 (689 reads)
     勁球獎得主5年內夫婦雙亡(zt) With money but without brain. See what happened. (754 byte) 2005-11-29 2:47 (869 reads)
     心予兄,thanks much for your response. Could you import (201 byte) 2005-11-29 0:54 (483 reads)
     Being cheerleader leads to professional  career path? (1248 byte) 2005-11-29 0:28 (753 reads)
     Savvis CEO quits after controversy over big bill(zt) Bob Sun would never get (2458 byte) 2005-11-26 23:36 (406 reads)
     Fury over plan to curb ‘Chinese espionage’ (zt) (5573 byte) 2005-11-26 23:15 (549 reads)
     US in move that may bar foreign researchers (zt) 因噎废食! (3392 byte) 2005-11-26 23:08 (801 reads)
     壶中日月长!! (827 byte) 2005-11-26 22:56 (427 reads)
     News. (384 byte) 2005-11-26 22:51 (520 reads)
     勿以善小而不为---- 一杯咖啡的理财启示(zt) (2069 byte) 2005-11-25 22:27 (1501 reads)
     There are always some good people and some bad people, no (440 byte) 2005-11-25 1:23 (393 reads)
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