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     北京故宮大修 規模罕見(zt) (1178 byte) 2005-10-30 10:18 (904 reads)
     上海最貴公寓面世 看房要出資產證明(zt) (421 byte) 2005-10-30 8:49 (954 reads)
     打造頂尖大學 海外廣挖學者 (zt) (808 byte) 2005-10-30 8:46 (794 reads)
     禽流感傳人? 衛生部否認 (zt) (928 byte) 2005-10-30 8:41 (537 reads)
     Generally speaking, I don't like bonds at this point of time, (1515 byte) 2005-10-20 13:05 (897 reads)
     I had wonderful time meeting Lao Long and other (2848 byte) 2005-10-16 6:27 (1116 reads)
     Good air fare deal: (211 byte) 2005-09-30 3:25 (1288 reads)
     Just got an email from Purdue Univ.: (1790 byte) 2005-09-30 2:59 (1089 reads)
     商学院排名报告:全职MBA毕业生最受欢迎  EMBA is called MBA Lite: (zt) (11618 byte) 2005-09-24 22:07 (1537 reads)
     经济大潮催生中国管理教育热 MBA made in China (3791 byte) 2005-09-24 22:01 (1069 reads)
     中层经理:公司舞台上的幕后英雄。 (1707 byte) 2005-09-24 21:52 (1135 reads)
     翩翩一只云中鹤 飞来飞去CEO 一定是空姐! (3618 byte) 2005-09-24 21:47 (1267 reads)
     商学院排名报告:男女MBA毕业生存在明显差异 (zt) (3361 byte) 2005-09-24 21:31 (1446 reads)
     商学院排名报告:普渡大学立志出乡关 (zt) (2451 byte) 2005-09-24 21:25 (1397 reads)
     商学院排名报告:招聘方的首选. Chinese version for students in China: (7745 byte) 2005-09-24 21:23 (1407 reads)
     So Hong Kong Group sold in East coast and bought in West coast. (3617 byte) 2005-09-24 7:04 (1094 reads)
     slick Westernized haiguis are out, local rough-around-the-edges entrepreneurs are in: (6194 byte) 2005-09-24 6:54 (975 reads)
     中石油闖房市 大展拳腳. Where is housing bubble?? There is no (508 byte) 2005-09-24 1:49 (1431 reads)
     Guess this article should be my Day Day Read: (2050 byte) 2005-09-23 6:41 (1291 reads)
     上海地產大亨羅康瑞遭特朗普起訴.  But Don Trump lost the case today. (2726 byte) 2005-09-23 6:36 (1251 reads)
     How come? I could not do postings next door and when (99 byte) 2005-09-21 18:42 (811 reads)
     孫忠偉引進臨時辦公室 母親是孫科長女 Today's news (3094 byte) 2005-09-20 6:59 (1024 reads)
     河南婚禮怪象 妓女充當伴娘 (zt) My goodness!!! (781 byte) 2005-09-17 4:18 (780 reads)
     山西煤老闆 一次買20輛悍馬(zt) (1170 byte) 2005-09-17 4:15 (1110 reads)
     中美建交推手 熊向暉病逝 (zt) (758 byte) 2005-09-15 6:08 (1445 reads)
     周作人北京故居 翻新起爭議. 70 families live there now! (762 byte) 2005-09-14 9:25 (690 reads)
     Moon festival is coming. Share this piece of music with you: (52 byte) 2005-09-13 3:27 (1411 reads)
     (none) (5 byte) 2005-09-13 1:14 (450 reads)
     忙事业误了终身事 上海两万“海归”单身. 深圳四成“海归”不愿创业 选择直接找工作 (934 byte) 2005-09-02 1:46 (1324 reads)
     中國全球貿易順差料將大幅增加(zt)  Will two rmb equal one usd before long? (1243 byte) 2005-09-01 6:45 (711 reads)
     經濟復甦未能惠及所有美國人--人口普查局 (zt) (1681 byte) 2005-09-01 6:36 (953 reads)
     上海的那家星巴克我认识!!!沙妙, you are right, close to 新天地 (34 byte) 2005-08-31 21:20 (1035 reads)
     中國管理人才荒 經濟致命傷 (zt) (1364 byte) 2005-08-30 2:29 (1154 reads)
     蘋果中國高階主管 集體開除. 虛報亮眼財務數字 引起美國總部震怒 (706 byte) 2005-08-30 2:19 (1936 reads)
     趙燕重返紐約 今出庭作証 (zt) No matter what, excessive force was used on her!! (1163 byte) 2005-08-29 23:28 (547 reads)
     Here is the tables for S & P (929 byte) 2005-08-28 6:03 (589 reads)
     Hard to make money in the next 10 years in the USA stock market (zt) (4625 byte) 2005-08-28 6:00 (1161 reads)
     Hi Who, do you have anything today for me to (40 byte) 2005-08-27 3:04 (770 reads)
     狼协, please allow me to bring this up. I love (44 byte) 2005-08-26 9:18 (941 reads)
     I would like to financially assist竹葉 to finish her college: (841 byte) 2005-08-19 9:50 (692 reads)
     Nice songs from 巴巴拉史翠珊 (61 byte) 2005-08-19 4:42 (808 reads)
     上海中内环楼盘降价幅度最大 (1132 byte) 2005-08-09 9:52 (1658 reads)
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