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主题: [原创]如何娶德国媳妇?
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作者 [原创]如何娶德国媳妇?   

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: [原创]如何娶德国媳妇? (2093 reads)      时间: 2007-12-21 周五, 22:21   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

https://sjc-v107.sjc.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=9dnHVEqU7Hg (下载地址)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dnHVEqU7Hg (在线播放)

How to get married in Germany (视频标题)

This is a guide for people trying to get married in Germany if he is British and she is German, contrary to popular belief German bureaucracy is not difficult to get through and the procedure is really quite simple!

First of all, the German woman inquires woman at the registry office about the procedure and will receive some useful information. Meanwhile, the British man makes a quick inquiry at the British embassy and will be given some information which will directly contradict the information from the registry office. So the man makes his own inquiries at the registry office where it will be established that the registry office thought that she wanted to register a car and the embassy thought that he wanted to marry Pierce Brosnan.

Once the confusion has been cleared up the next stage is for the man to send a large award of money to the government records office in Briton to get a copy of his birth certificate. This is necessary because in Germany a birth certificate is invalid if it’s more than 6 months old. Life expectancy is pretty low in Germany.

Next you must take a copy of the birth certificate and another award of money to a certified translator who will then translate all the great course and offer you a job for which you are unqualified. The original copy in the translation will then be taken along with the heap of other documents(It’s possible bank statements and so on)back to the registry office. There photo copies will be made, pieces of papers signed and the British man must swear a solemn swear that he isn’t already married or under the age of consent or the German woman’s brother. You are now officially engaged.

Unfortunately there is one document that you do not have. This is the certificate of No Impediment which is required under German law but which the British authority can’t or won’t issue. So the registry office has to send all of the documents off to the regional court where they will read them and think about issuing a waver allowing you to get married. Very soon they will send the British man a bill which he must pay and then wait and wait and wait.

Eventually as time starts running short the German woman will travel 75 miles to the regional court and in a civil, calm and civilized manner explained situation. She will then be given the documents and made to promise she won’t lose them and travelled back to the registry office to hand them in personally. After that you can arrange time for a simple ceremony which will then result in you being pronounced man and wife and then the registry office send you a bill.

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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