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主题: [原创]意大利北部流浪记(第一站) :米兰,和Paulo Coelho的新书
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作者 [原创]意大利北部流浪记(第一站) :米兰,和Paulo Coelho的新书   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 院士
性别: 性别:女年龄: 46
加入时间: 2006/07/03
文章: 4163

海归分: 631762

文章标题: [原创]意大利北部流浪记(第一站) :米兰,和Paulo Coelho的新书 (2727 reads)      时间: 2010-8-04 周三, 04:54

作者:三毛流浪记海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com




The most important landmarks:

1) Piazza del Duomo (意大利各城市的中心大教堂都叫Duomo)

2) Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (坐落与大教堂旁边的大穹顶建筑,现在是游人膜拜的全是奢侈品牌的巨大shopping mall)

3)Sforza Castle,走在玫瑰花盛开的古城堡里,我意外地邂逅了一个米兰的交响乐团,正在排练两天后将在古堡里举行的交响乐会,可惜我那时已将离开米兰。于是在那个阳光明媚的下午,我坐在墙角,提前听了乐团断断续续的排练。几百年的古堡,音响效果真好。

4)The National Science and Technology Museum of Leonardo Da Vinci

5)Pinacotecca di Brera

6)当然,还有意大利最著名的那副油画 The Last Supper。它静静地悬挂在Santa Maria della Grazie church,而不是某个博物馆里。但是你要看到它,必须要记得提前预约。

其它的人文景观还很多,比如Scala Opera House,和各个名称不同的Piazza(广场), Porto(门),以及众多的画廊等。这些大家都可以自己上google很容易就能搜到,我就不多说了。

What I liked:

其实几天逛下来,我越来越强烈的觉得,人文的景观虽然仍然非常吸引我,但已经无法象自然景观一样给我带来那种完全的身心舒畅,totally amazed的感觉了。

在此我要向将来有可能去米兰的同鞋们强烈推荐以下几个must do’s

我在米兰最美好的美食记忆。Reallly great family run restaurant,菜式地道而朴实,没有花俏的样式但味道绝对正宗。具体吃了什么我就不一一说了,省的弄的自己回想起来谗的难受。

2)Caffé Victor Hugo,就在Biblioteca Ambrosiana旁边。店主也是个上年纪的老爷爷(我总结的结果是,凡是由老爷爷老奶奶掌管的餐厅咖啡店,一般都不会让人失望),他们的冰激凌虽然看起来不起眼,但是你一定不能错过。吃过他们的原味酸奶冰激凌以后,我在后面10多天里再也没能找到更美味醇厚细腻的冰激凌。

3)夏天,米兰人民有一个好习惯:很多的餐馆都会在晚上7点到9点间提供 Happy Hour。也就是说,你点任何一个酒水(一般在5到8欧元左右),都可以享用餐馆提供的自助冷食点心,从各种橄榄,烤蔬菜,到沙拉,pasta,pizza,想吃多少都可以。 尤其是夏天的意大利白天很长,一直到9点太阳才落山,不亦乐乎。

4)去 Via Torino看帅哥美女。这个地方算是米兰最热闹的购物街之一,相当于上海的淮海路。如果你是fashion victim,那是肯定要破财的。而我早已对shopping兴趣不多,所以更在乎看人。意大利的美女,那是相当地美。可惜抽烟太多,不过反正不是我女朋友,无所谓啦。

What I didn't like:

米兰这个地方,似乎还是太多浮华,太多物质,all about fashion, money and fame。当然,换了上海,纽约,东京,巴黎这些城市也差不多的。估计是我在乡下时间长了,进城总是有点不习惯。

个人意见:avoid those fashionable (or look fashionable)restaurants and bars。我曾经在饿昏头了的状态下,错误地进入了一个装潢精美音乐techno的餐馆午餐,失望透顶地出来,一抬头才发现餐馆叫Dolce Cabbana Martini,旁边就是Dolce Cabbana的办公楼。靠!I hate the fashion industry。

另外, 意大利的作息时间比较麻烦,12点到下午3点之间,除了餐馆,基本全部关门。周日和周一上午也是基本全部打烊的。我在一个周一的上午试图找个地方剪头发,结果近乎绝望地放弃了。


与以往一样,旅行中买了书打发时间。Paulo Coelho's new book: The Winner Stands Alone - is absolutely a wonderful book. Like always, written with wisdom, compassion and inspirations.


At three in the morning, the bar of the Hotel Martinez smells of cigarettes and sweat. By then, Jimmy (who always wears different coloured shoes) has stopped playing the piano, and the waitress is exhausted, but the people who are still there refuse to leave. They want to stay in that lobby for at least another hour or even all night until something happens!

They’re already four days into the Cannes Film Festival and still nothing has happened. Every guest at every table is interested in but one thing: meeting the people with Power. Pretty women are waiting for a producer to fall in love with them and give them a major role in their next movie. A few actors are talking amongst themselves, laughing and pretending that the whole business is a matter of complete indifference to them – but they always keep one eye on the door.

Someone is about to arrive. Someone must arrive. Young directors, full of ideas and with CVs listing the videos they made at university, and who have read everything ever written about photography and s<x>criptwriting, are hoping for a stroke of luck; perhaps meeting someone just back from a party who is looking for an empty table where he’ll order a coffee and light a cigarette, someone who’s tired of going to the same old places all the time and feels ready for a new adventure.

How naïve!

If that did happen, the last thing such a person would want to hear about is some ‘really fresh angle’ on a hackneyed subject; but despair can deceive the desperate. The people with power who do occasionally enter merely glance around, then go up to their rooms. They’re not worried. They have nothing to fear. The Superclass does not forgive betrayals and they know their limitations – whatever the legend may say, they didn’t get where they are by trampling on others. On the other hand, if there is some important new discovery to be made – be it in the world of cinema, music or fashion – it will emerge only after much research and not in some hotel bar.

The Superclass are now making love to the girl who managed to gatecrash the party and who is game for anything. They’re taking off their make-up, studying the lines on their faces and thinking that it’s time for more plastic surgery. They’re looking at the on-line news to see if the announcement they made earlier that day has been picked up by the media. They’re taking the inevitable sleeping pill and drinking the tea that promises easy weight-loss. They’re ticking the boxes on the menu for their room service breakfast and hanging it on the door handle along with the sign saying ‘Do not disturb’. The Superclass are closing their eyes and thinking: ‘I hope I get to sleep quickly. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow at ten.’


作者:三毛流浪记海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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