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主题: 《海归黄埔军校》课程《中国的商业环境和法律环境》第七章《中外法律之比较》:合同英译理解过程中的“合法”前提和“求信”标准
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作者 《海归黄埔军校》课程《中国的商业环境和法律环境》第七章《中外法律之比较》:合同英译理解过程中的“合法”前提和“求信”标准   
所跟贴 《海归黄埔军校》课程《中国的商业环境和法律环境》第七章《中外法律之比较》:合同英译理解过程中的“合法”前提和“求信”标准 -- 安普若 - (9652 Byte) 2004-12-28 周二, 15:14 (3362 reads)

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加入时间: 2004/02/21
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文章标题: 《海归黄埔军校》课程《中国的商业环境和法律环境》第七章《中外法律之比较》:美国合同法律制度简述 (772 reads)      时间: 2004-12-29 周三, 10:43   

作者:安普若海归黄埔军校 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com




1、 意思表示一致(a meeting of the minds of between the parties):说明双理解并同意有关交易的要素(demonstrating they both understand and agree to the essentials of the deal)。

2、 具有合法的“标的(consideration)”:指具有交易价值的东西,如:现金、货物、某种行为的许诺等等(something of value exchanged by each of the parties, such as cash, goods, or a promise of doing something)。

3、 具有明确的“协议(agreement)”:尽管在特定的场合口头合同也是有效的,但是双方签订的书面合同是大家认同的典型“协议(agreement)”形式,(typically evidenced by both parties signing a written contract, although oral contract can be valid, too, in some situation)。

4、 合法的主体(the legal competence of each party):意思是合同主体具有完全的行为能力人,指成年人并具有完全的意思能力(be not minors and be of sound mind)。

三、合同关键词的定义(key contract definitions):

1、 样板文件(boilerplate):我们可以把它理解为标准化了的合同条款,通常出现在合同的后部,用的都是一些具有重要意义的标准合同法律术语(contract legalese),且与合同的实际交易内容无直接关系。包括通知条款(notice)、适用法律条款(governing law)、律师费费用条款(payment of attorneys’ fees)等等。

2、 违约(default and breach)与实质性违约(material breach):违约(default and breach),在美国合同法体制中是作为一种赔偿理由来定义的,指合同当事人未能如约履行合同约定的责任和义务时,另一方的获得赔偿的理由。违约(default and breach)从语意上理解时,具有两个部分的内容,一是不履行(default),二是违反约定(breach)。

3、 实质违约(material breach),是指实质性的、故意的违约,合同另一方因此根本无法达成合同目的。如:货物买卖合同中,供方根本就不准备或不能够交付约定的货物,需方根本就得不到合同约定的东西,这就是一种实质性的违约。而非实质性的、过失性的违约发生时,违约方通常不存在故意违约,且无违约方可能还能达成一定的合同目的,但与合同履行标准不符。例如:货物买卖合同的当事人一方可能只是无法及时交货、可能只是无法在约定地点交货,或者服务合同中的服务标准与约定不符等等。在非实质性违约的情况下,补偿是有限的,一方面是因为合同通常有责任限制约定,另一方面是法律通常对此种违约的赔偿也做出限制规定。在实质违约情况下,无过错方当事人(the innocent party)将取得如下法定的权利:

A、 违约损害的恢复权(the right to recover damages for the breach)。指因违约造成损害时,无过错的受害方可以要求加害方,对所造成的损害进行恢复,如:对实际侵害的停止,不当占有的返还,损失的赔偿等。

B、 合同履行的中止权(the right to suspend further performance)。指因一方违约,而非违约方可以依法暂停履行合同相关义务,直至违约方依约履行合同义务,或对履行提供有效的担保。如违约方不能及时纠正违约行为或提供有效的履行担保,非违约方就可以进一步行使其他违约救济权利,采取其他违约救济措施。

C、 提前解除合同的权利(the right to terminate the contract)。指在实质违约发生后,无过错方可以单方面决定解除合同,终止合同的效力。

D、获得法令救济的权利(the right to get injunctive relief)和要求继续具体履行的权利(the right to get specific performance)。前者,主要是指可以通过法律程序阻止违约方继续违约行为;后者主要是指无过错方仍然可以强制要求违约方继续实际履行合同约定的义务,并承担合同约定的责任。如:买卖合同中,强制不交货的违约方实际按合同约定要求交付货物;服务合同中,强制不提供服务的违约方实际按合同标准提供服务。

4、 条件(conditions):指在合同中约定、可以决定合同生效、失效,或者合同某一方当事人的合同义务和责任开始时间的特定的事件。中国民法制度中有“附条件”与“附期限”的制度,其中“附条件”的制度可以与之相对应。

5、 标的(consideration):合同双方基于相互交换一种权利或者一种利益的目的而构成合同,这种权利或利益就是标的。我们在合同法律理论上,以前也称为合同的“对价”。

6、 无价值合同(crappy:英文原意指“蹩脚的”):指没有经过适当拟定或充分谈判而拟定的、缺乏合同成立要件,从而不具有法律效力的合同。

7、 损害赔偿(damages):damages的英文原意是“损害”,作为合同的定义时,是指“损害赔偿”。损害赔偿,是违反有效成立合同约定时的一种典型的美式合同的救济方式,通常是做出金钱赔偿裁决给受到伤害的、没有违约行为的无过错方(innocent party)。

8、 引言(recitals):通常在合同的首部,描述双方的签约原因等,一般情况下这种描述没有法律约束力,所以必须把有实质内容的重要合同条款,在“双方特约定如下(the parties agree as follows):”之后的合同主体部分,再次重复叙述。


1、 口头合同:在特定情况下,口头合同是被承认的,但是口头合同如同在世界其他地方一样,不是合同的主要形式。在1987年有个案例,Pennzoil、Getty oil和Texaco三个美国石油公司卷入一个合同纠纷,最后法庭裁决来自Pennzoil公司的代理人与Getty oil公司的董事们的口头合同(a court upheld the handshake deal over a written agreement that was never signed)成立,并裁决Texaco意图以更优条件引诱Getty oil与其交易,干预了原Pennzoil的合同,为此判决106亿美元的损害赔偿。尽管如此,一些口头合同在如下情况,仍然不具有法律约束力:(1)土地买卖合同;(2)通常在500美元以上的货物买卖;(3)婚姻安置合同或婚前合同;(4)自合同成立之日起超过一年以上才能履行的合同等等。

2、 协议信:一个普通的合同成立方法,一方给另一方寄一封信,包括了合同成立的全部重要条款与成立条件内容,信的尾部写出“如果同意本信件所载内容,请在信的尾部签字”,并在尾部留出一行“同意并接受”字样(“Agree and Accepted” line)的签字空间。签字后寄回给对方,合同即可成立。协议信的便利之处一目了然,但是由于其非正规的性质,一些重要条款可能会被遗漏,如样板文件条款等,一些专门法律用语的遗漏(missing of legalese),有时在将来会带来不必要的麻烦。

3、 E-mail合同:E-mail已经成了今天一种重要的通讯手段,电子商务的概念中,很大一部分介入了交易的谈判。E-mail合同是电子交易的一部分,在一些小额贸易中,正扮演一个十分活跃的角色。如果一个E-mail或者一个E-mail链接清楚构成一个合同的要约,包含了完整的合同条款,同时被要约方以E-mail方式回信接受所有内容,也就是做了承诺,这时,尽管没有双方的签署,但是基于双方的明确的共同意愿,该E-mail合同已经有效成立。必须注意,利用E-mail进行合同谈判与利用E-mail成立合同是两件截然不同的事,如果你只是趋向于利用E-mail进行合同协商,并最后想要达成一个正式的书面合同,那么你应该谨慎地书写E-mail内容,别忘了随时指出:本E-mail内容并非一个法律意义上的“要约”或者“承诺”。


1、 合同谈判,必然是要围绕合同的标的进行意见交换、充分协商(bargain exchange for consideration),这个过程中双方针对特定的合同标的彼此相互做出各自的“许诺(promise)”。这些“许诺(promise)”在谈判中不断明确和完整,最后依法导致合同成立。在谈判中,在先一方提出的“许诺(promise)”,从法律概念上讲,就是“要约(offer)” ,而在后一方做出的“许诺(promise)”,分成两种情况,如果完全接接受前者的条件,并订立合同,从法律概念上讲,这就是“承诺(acceptance)”;如果不完全接受前者的条件,并向前者提出新的条件,这就又提出新的要约——反要约(count offer)。这与中国合同法律制度中关于要约与承诺的规定,基本上相同,或者可以说是相同的法律概念,在中国合同法律制度中,关于要约与承诺有较为明确的规定:

A、 “要约(offer)”,是指希望和他人订立合同的意思表示,并且应当附合下列规定:(一)内容具体确定;(二)表明经受要约人承诺,要约人即受该意思表示约束。

B、 “承诺(acceptance)”,是指受要约人同意要约的意思表示,对要约的全部接受。或者,至少没有对要约内容作为实质性的改变——那是又提出了“反要约(counter offer)”。

2、 “反要约(counter offer)”,指受要约人对要约的部分内容做出实质性的否定或变更,并返回原要约人,向其做出反要约。在中国合同法律制度中,我们称为“新的要约”。


1、 清晰(clarity):清晰是所有良好地组织的合同灵魂。任何合同的条款都应该具有明确性和确定性,以便能够合法地实施。

2、 简洁(conciseness):好的合同具有短小而简明的特点,不需要长篇大论。

3、 完整(completeness):不完整往往会导致合同的失败,例如:法定必须条款缺乏,有助于对合同理解或者对合同履行有重要意义的有关条款缺乏等,往往就是合同纠纷的起因。


1、 主体(identity of parties)条款:

主体条款,主要就是指明当事人的名称与住所,与中国合同法规定有所不同的是,应当明确说明合同主体的类型,如个人公司(sole corporation)、股份公司(Incorporation)、两合公司(责任有限股东与责任无限股东合资型公司)、无限责任公司(Corporation)、有限责任公司(LLC, Liability Limited Corporation)等等,应当明确说明。主要内容包括:

a、 名称或姓名(Name)

b、 主体的类型(Type of entity of each party)如:公司(Corporation)、有限责任公司(LLC) 等。

c、 注册地址(Address):

2、 引言(recitals):


a、 合同的背景(background of agreement)

b、 双方缔约的目的(purpose for entering into the contract)

c、 合同的主要目标或重要设想(key assumptions for the contract)

引言,通常总是居于合同开始处,当事人条款之后——在中国合同法中,也属于组成合同的“首部”的最后一个段落,通常是以“鉴于(whereas)”开始,到“双方特约定如下(the parties agree as follow)”结束。任何一个合同的签订,都有特定的目的,如:特定的经济目的或者其他合法的目的。引言,主要就是陈述合同签订的目的,同时也说明必要的合同签订的背景资料和有关信息。

必须注意:引言,不是具有强制执行力的合同内容,合同具有法律效力的部分都是在引言的结束语——“双方特约定如下(the parties agree as follow)”之后开始的。所以,如果在引言中确定了某些具有执行内容的约定,就应当在合同主文中重复出现。因为引言部分没有强制执行的效力,有些合同甚至完全跳过引言直接进入合同主体部分。尽管如此,引言仍然是十分有用的,特别是有助合同外第三人对合同进行适当的理解,在处理合同纠纷和合同争议时特别有意义。如:到底合同当事人经济目的如何,合同签订的有关客观背景如何,主观心态如何等等。另外,一些大公司或者规范经营的公司,往往也将合同作为一种重要的商业档案来看,充分运用引言部分的陈述,也是一种重要的商业信息的积累。


3、 各方义务(obligations of the parties)条款:


a、 双方必须履行的义务范围(what each side to be required to do):合同当事人主要义务的具体内容。

b、 合同履行时间(date of the obligations performed):各合同当事人履行相应合同义务的具体时间约定。

c、 合同履行的质量标准(quality standards of the obligations):产品质量或服务质量。

d、 运输条款,谁负责运输安排与谁负担运费(the delivery obligation and the transportation cost):合同如果是异地履行的,必然涉及运输问题,本条款处理运输责任与费用问题。

e、 保险及费用(insurances and its cost):保险费的承担,也是常发生的。


4、 合同有效期(terms of contract)条款:

合同期间,与上一条款中涉及的“合同履行时间(date of the obligations performed)”,是有本质区别的,“合同期间(terms of contract)”主要是对合同本身的有效期约定。主要内容有:

a、 这是一次性可以履行完毕的合同,还是需要在一定期间才能履行完毕的合同(Is it a one-shot situation or will last for some designed time period)?

b、 在什么条件下,合同的期限可以重新约定或者合同的期限可以进一步扩展而继续有效(How can the term be renewed or extended)?


5、 价格(price)条款:


a、 标的总额,或产品、服务的总价(the price for the product or service)

b、 实行固定价,或者约定价格的计算方法(Is it a fixed price, determined by a formula, by a project fee, or some other manner)

c、 税费的种类及支付责任(what kind of taxes should be paid? And who will pay)。

6、 支付条件(payment terms)条款:


a、 何时支付开始(when is payment due)

b、 分期支付还是全额支付(will there be some installment payments)

c、 是否计算利息(Will interest be charged)

d、 愈期支付处罚(penalty for late payment)

7、 陈述与保证(representations and warranties)条款:


a、 陈述与保证内容(what representation and warranties are to be made by the parties)?

b、 保证的否认( warranties disclaim)。

c、 保证的有效期限(How long will these warranties be good for)

在美国合同中,陈述与保证是十分重要的基本条款。许多当事人正是基于某种可靠的事实因素而决定签订特定的合同的。这一条款,给一方当事人机会,去思考和界定他所赖以决定签订合同的各种事实因素,并要求对方明确地在合同中陈述并保证这些事实因素,而且能够依其所声明的陈述与保证充分地履行合同,否则,就应当为违反这些声明而付出违约的代价。美国统一商法典第二条(Article II of Uniform Commercial Code)列出了关于陈述与保证的各种复杂的规定,包括了明示与默示的陈述与保证规定,这是十分重要的法律内容。

保证的排除(warranties disclaim),商人通常使用保证排除的声明(disclaimer),可以使得自己作为一个合同当事人可以摆脱有关的重要合同义务,这也是回避商业性风险的常见的作法。而与之相对应,弃权书(waiver)是合同另一方当事人放弃相应权利的声明,常见的就是该当事人放弃了利润损失或损害结束的诉讼求偿权。但是,十分重要的是:法庭并不总是急于宣布弃权书(waiver)合法有效!特别在合同一方是商业机构,而做出弃权书的一方按照法律可以列为是“消费者(consumer)”时,法庭可能不会判决弃权书(waiver)可以生效!

8、 责任限制(limitation of liability)条款:

责任限制条款,通常起草合同的律师可以充分利用这部分内容,进行减少合同风险或者转嫁合同风险给另一方当事人的操作。理论上,通常在以下四个方面可以进行风险转嫁的操作:责任限制条款(limitation of liability);损害赔偿条款(indemnification);保证的否决声明(disclaimers);陈述与保证(warranties)。责任限制条款的主要内容包括:

a、 责任的限制(limitations of liability),主要是违约或损害赔偿总额的限制。

b、 责任产生条件(the circumstances of one party liable),指一种责任产生标准的约定,如:是以实质性的违约为标准,还是以过错性的忽略特定的履行细节为标准。

9、 合同的解除(termination of contract)条款:


a、 提前解除条件(situations of termination of the contract)

b、 合同解除的相应后果(consequences of termination)

c、 合同解除后的责任承担(post-termination obligations)

10、 保密(confidentiality)条款:


a、 保密义务的范围(what confidentiality obligations are there)?

b、 保密义务的例外(What are the exclusions from confidentiality)?

11、 不履行及违约(default and breach)条款:


违约可以被分为:实质性违约(material breach),非实质性违约(non-material breach)。

a、 合同的违约事件范围(what are the events of default)?

b、 不履行的宽限期(the period to cure defaults)?

c、 不履行后果(What are the consequences of a default)?

12、 合同争议解决(Disputes)条款:

a、 解决争议的方式——诉讼、调解或仲裁(how are disputes to be handled-litigation, mediation, or arbitration)

b、 仲裁时,仲裁规则的选择——If arbitration, what rules will govern? (e.g., JAMS/Endispute or the American Arbitration Association)

c、 仲裁时,仲裁员数量及产生办法——If arbitration, how many arbitrators and how will they be picked?

d、 仲裁时,调查程序及有关仲裁员职责——If arbitration, will there be procedures for discovery and what the arbitrator can and can’t do?

e、 如果选择诉讼时,诉讼地的约定——If arbitration, where can or must the litigation be brought?

13、 损害赔偿(indemnification)条款:



a、 违约补偿的范围约定(is there indemnification for certain breaches or problems)

b、 取得补偿的程序What is the procedure required to obtain indemnification?

c、 补偿上限或补偿例外is there a cap on or exclusions from indemnification?


14、 综合约定(miscellaneous):通常我国称为“其他约定”。这些约定,主要以样板条款为主。

a、 法律适用(governing law/choice of law)

b、 律师代理费用条款(attorneys fee)

c、 协议修订(modification of agreement)

d、 通知条款(notice)

e、 完整协议(entire agreement)

f、 效力瑕疵条款(severability)

g、 实体期间time of the Essence

h、 遗留物处理survival

i、 模糊用语的定义ambiguities

j、 弃权waiver

k、 标题headings

l、 必要的行为和更多的保证Necessary Acts and further assurances

m、 执行Execution

n、 陪审团裁判弃权Jury Trial Waivers

o、 特殊履行Specific performances

p、 缔约人的代表与职权Representation on Authority of Parties

q、 不可抗力条款Force Majeure

r、 双方人员的委派Assignment

15、 签名signatures

a、 签署职权条件what authority is required for one party to sign the contract (e.g., Board of Directors approval)?

b、 签署数量How many signatures are required?

c、 正确的签署版式Are the signature blocks correct? For corporations, this is a typical appropriate signature block:

ABC, Inc.


John Smith, President

八、关于样板(the boilerplate)条款

样板条款(the boilerplate)通常是在合同的尾部出现,有时其实就是“综合约定条款(miscellaneous)”的内容。因为是放在合同尾部,可能造成对这些内部重要性的忽视,觉得没有必要认真阅读并充分注意这部分的内容。




1、 法律选择(Choice of law)约定:……示例如下:

Choice of Law. This Agreement, and any dispute arising from the relationship between the parties to this Agreement, shall be governed by [e.g., California] law, excluding any laws that direct the application of another jurisdiction’s laws.

2、 律师代理费 (attorney fees) 约定:本条款约定了在任何合同争议产生后,最终在争讼后占优势的一方(prevailing party),应当有权从对方取得合理的律师或其他代理人费用及合理的其它法律费用支出。占有优势的一方,通常是指合同权利受到支持或取得损害赔偿的合同当事人。如果在合同中约定了本条款,则法庭将依法决定律师代理人费用及其它合理支出的金额,并判决由另一方向占优势方支付。任何一个合同当事人提出一个违约诉讼时,都要产生相应的法律费用支出,如:律师费(attorney fee)、专家鉴定费(experts witness fee)、法庭记者费(court reporters payment)以及诉讼文件准备费用、旅行、电话、邮政、信使等等各项繁多的支出。在美国,律师代理费的一般原则是:如果没有约定律师代理费条款,那么,律师代理费用和其它相关费用由当事人自行承担。也就是说,如果没有约定律师代理费用条款,即使你胜诉,也只能自己负担律师代理费和各项相关的法律开支。律师代理费条款示例如下:

Attorney Fees Provision. In any litigation, arbitration, or other proceeding by which one party either seeks to enforce its rights under this Agreement (whether in contract, tort, or both) or seeks a declaration of any rights or obligations under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be awarded its reasonable attorney fees, and costs and expenses incurred.

3、 通知书 (notice) 约定:本条款约定了在合同履行中,双方以何种形式相互进行交流。自起来十分简单的问题,但是,如果没有的约定可能造成麻烦。首先,合同的通知必须是以有效的投递方式传到对方的;其次,合同通知的投递还必须有明显的证明,说明通知已经投递到对方手里。当你做了重要的合同通知或声明后,总不希望对方以未收到通知为借口,使你的工作无效!通知条款,示例如下:

Notice. Any notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be delivered (a) in person, (b) by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, (c) by facsimile, or (d) by a commercial overnight courier that guarantees next day delivery and provides a receipt, and such notices shall be addressed as follows:

If to ____________:



If to ____________:



or to such other address as either party may from time to time specify in writing to the other party. Any notice shall be effective only upon delivery, which for any notice given by facsimile shall mean notice which has been received by the party to whom it is sent as evidenced by confirmation slip.

4、 合同修订 (modification) 约定:本条款规定了合同修订的方式与途径。例如:书面合同,只能以书面方式进行修订,口头修订内容无效。条款示例如下:

Modification of Agreement. This Agreement may be supplemented, amended, or modified only by the mutual agreement of the parties. No supplement, amendment, or modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless it is in writing and signed by all parties.

5、 完整合同 (entire agreement) 约定:有时也叫合并条款()、一体化条款(),其目的是避免以其他的口头或书面的方式去修订、增加合同的约定内容。本条款要合同中扮演这样的角色,说明了本合同已经是最终的、全部的、完整的协议,并且排除其它任何书信、文件或证明可以作为本合同的一部分向法庭出示、以证明有不同的协议内容。

Entire Agreement. This Agreement and all other agreements, exhibits, and schedules referred to in this Agreement constitute(s) the final, complete, and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or agreements of the parties. This Agreement may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior or contemporaneous statements or agreements. No party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by, nor is any party relying on, any representation, understanding, agreement, commitment or warranty outside those expressly set forth in this Agreement.

6、 效力瑕疵(Severability of agreement)约定:本条款主要是约定:如果合同条款、约定被认为是违法的、无执行力的或者失效的,那么这部分的条款、约定就应当被取消;被取消的部分不影响合同其它合法、有执行力和有效的部分的效力;如果任何约定因本条款规定而被取消的,那么可以在法律许可的范围内,根据相同的意旨,用合法、有执行力和有效的新约定将其取代。

Severability of Agreement. If any term or provision of this Agreement is determined to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid in whole or in part for any reason, such illegal, unenforceable, or invalid provisions or part thereof shall be stricken from this Agreement, and such provision shall not affect the legality, enforceability, or validity of the remainder of this Agreement. If any provision or part thereof of this Agreement is stricken in accordance with the provisions of this section, then this stricken provision shall be replaced, to the extent possible, with a legal, enforceable, and valid provision that is as similar in tenor to the stricken provision as is legally possible.

7、 实质期间 (time of essence) 约定:本条款约定明确的合同履行的有效时间,严厉地排除了在特定履行困难或时间问题产生时,法律所允许的、默示性的、合理的、合同履行时间。如果约定了实质期间,任何在此实质期间之后的履行行为,都仍将一律被视为完全违约或不必要。特别在这样的情况下,合同当事人应当约定实质履行期间,如:合同是关于过期容易腐烂的货物时,或者合同是被客观的最终期限所限制的,等等情况。合同的实质期间约定的必要性,依该合同所涉及的标的等内容所决定。实质期间的约定,示例如下:

Time of essence. Time is of the essence in respect to all provisions of this Agreement that specify a time for performance; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not be construed to limit or deprive a party of the benefits of any grace or use period allowed in this Agreement.

8、 弃权或免除 (waiver) 约定:弃权或免除约定,主要是处理合同履行之债的免除问题。一方面,规定了所有的弃权或免除必须以书面形式做出;另一方面,也避免合同一方将另一方的无意识行为当作做出了义务免除而产生误会。

Waiver. No waiver of a breach, failure of any condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party waiving the breach, failure, right, or remedy. No waiver of any breach, failure, right, or remedy, whether or not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing so specifies.

9、 必要行为和进一步的担保(necessary acts/further assurances)

Necessary Acts, Further Assurances. The parties shall at their own cost and expense execute and deliver such further documents and instruments and shall take such other actions as may be reasonably required or appropriate to evidence or carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

10、 管辖地与法庭(consent to jurisdiction and forum selection)

Consent to Jurisdiction and Forum Selection. The parties hereto agree that all actions or proceedings arising in connection with this Agreement shall be tried and litigated exclusively in the State and Federal courts located in the County of , State of . The aforementioned choice of venue is intended by the parties to be mandatory and not permissive in nature, thereby precluding the possibility of litigation between the parties with respect to or arising out of this Agreement in any jurisdiction other than that specified in this paragraph. Each party hereby waives any right it may have to assert the doctrine of forum non convenience or similar doctrine or to object to venue with respect to any proceeding brought in accordance with this paragraph, and stipulates that the State and Federal courts located in the County of , State of shall have in personal jurisdiction and venue over each of them for the purpose of litigating any dispute, controversy, or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement. Each party hereby authorizes and accepts service of process sufficient for personal jurisdiction in any action against it as contemplated by this paragraph by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to its address for the giving of notices as set forth in this Agreement. Any final judgment rendered against a party in any action or proceeding shall be conclusive as to the subject of such final judgment and may be enforced in other jurisdictions in any manner provided by law

11、 合同当事人授权及签署说明(representation on authority of parties/signatories)

Representation on Authority of Parties/Signatories. Each person signing this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized and has legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement. Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the performance of such party’s obligations hereunder have been duly authorized and that the Agreement is a valid and legal agreement binding on such party and enforceable in accordance with its terms.

12、 不可抗力条款(force majeure)

Force Majeure. No party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations in connection with any action described in this Agreement, if such failure results from any act of God, riot, war, civil unrest, flood, earthquake, or other cause beyond such party’s reasonable control (including any mechanical, electronic, or communications failure, but excluding failure caused by a party’s financial condition or negligence).

13、 歧义条款(ambiguities)

Ambiguities. Each party and its counsel have participated fully in the review and revision of this Agreement. Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in interpreting this Agreement. The language in this Agreement shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party.

14、 人员指派(assignment):

Assignment. Neither party shall voluntarily or by operation of law assign, hypothecate, give, transfer, mortgage, sublet, license, or otherwise transfer or encumber all or part of its rights, duties, or other interests in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof (collectively, “Assignment’), without the other party’s prior written consent. Any attempt to make an Assignment in violation of this provision shall be a material default under this Agreement and any Assignment in violation of this provision shall be null and void.

15、 仲裁条款(arbitration)

Arbitration. Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, shall be settled by binding arbitration in [City], [State]. Such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the then prevailing commercial arbitration rules of JAMS/Endispute (“JAMS”), with the following exceptions if in conflict: (a) one arbitrator shall be chosen by JAMS; (b) each party to the arbitration will pay its pro rata share of the expenses and fees of the arbitrator, together with other expenses of the arbitration incurred or approved by the arbitrator; and (c) arbitration may proceed in the absence of any party if written notice (pursuant to the JAMS’ rules and regulations) of the proceedings has been given to such party. The parties agree to abide by all decisions and awards rendered in such proceedings. Such decisions and awards rendered by the arbitrator shall be final and conclusive and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof as a basis of judgment and of the issuance of execution for its collection. All such controversies, claims or disputes shall be settled in this manner in lieu of any action at law or equity; [provided however, that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as precluding the bringing an action for injunctive relief or other equitable relief]. The arbitrator shall not have the right to award punitive damages or speculative damages to either party and shall not have the power to amend this Agreement. The arbitrator shall be required to follow applicable law. [IF FOR ANY REASON THIS ARBITRATION CLAUSE BECOMES NOT APPLICABLE, THEN EACH PARTY, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ALL RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY AS TO ANY ISSUE RELATING HERETO IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING, OR COUNTERCLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER MATTER INVOLVING THE PARTIES HERETO.>


1、 股份买卖合同

2、 优先权协议

3、 雇工协议

4、 奖励与管理协议

5、 独立合同人员与顾问协议

6、 房屋租赁协议

7、 许可协议

8、 信贷协议

9、 服务合同

10、 销售合同

11、 购买单

12、 网站建立

13、 网站操作

作者:安普若海归黄埔军校 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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