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#1: 【他山之石可以攻玉,浅谈管理】写在前面,让讨论开始 (17638 reads) 作者: 宋粉绵绵 文章时间: 2009-12-04 周五, 15:23
作者:宋粉绵绵海归黄埔军校 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com



这里面既有自己的读书积累, 也有自己作为一个美国普通管理人员的亲身观察,实践和体会。以专题的形式,和大家一起讨论。同时,也欢迎大家贡献有趣的案例。好的案例,我会加设嘉宾精华。




讨论以前,将两位知行结合的企业泰斗的几句建言,献给大家, 同大家共勉:

"I don't think there's any doubt that a lot of American management has bent over too far toward taking care of itself first and worrying about everybody else later…You can't create a team spirit when the situation is so one-sided, when management gets so much and workers get so little of the pie...the formula has to make sure that profits are divided fairly among workers, management, and stockholders, according to their contributions and risks…" Sam Walton

译文:毫无疑问,许多美国管理阶层在顾及别人以前,先竭力为自己捞好处。如果管理者和员工的收入状况如此一边倒,管理者获得那样多,而员工得到那样少,你就不可能建立真正的团队精神。(合理的)分配制度必须做到,利润能够在员工,管理人员,和股东之间,根据他们的贡献和承担的风险,公平分配。- 沃玛特创始人,山姆沃顿

“I do not like to have my managers think they are a special breed of people elected by God to lead stupid people to do miraculous things.”
- Akio Morita

译文: 我不要我的经理们认为他们是被上帝选中的超人,来领导一群碌碌庸才去创造奇迹。- 盛田昭夫

“This is because management, despite the work of the Harvard Business School and others, and the increasing number of holders of advanced degrees in business administration, is an elusive thing that cannot always be judged by next quarter’s bottom line. Managers can look good on the bottom line, but at the same time maybe destroying the company by failing to invest in the future. To my mind the performance of a manager is measured by how well that manager can organize a large number of people and how effectively he or she can get the highest performance from each of the individuals and blend them into a coordinated performance. That is what management is…If you can do that, the bottom line will take care of itself.”- Akio Morita

译文: 尽管有哈佛商学院,和日益众多高学历的管院毕业生,管理,因其内涵广泛,仍不能单纯用季度盈利来衡量。风光无限的季度盈利而背后,经理们可能正回避对未来的投资,而摧毁着企业。在我看来,一个经理的好坏,要看他能不能把大量的员工组织起来,让每个员工融入一个协调有效的整体,人尽其才。这才是管理的真正含义。做到这点,盈利的问题,就会迎刃而解。- 盛田昭夫

作者:宋粉绵绵海归黄埔军校 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由宋粉绵绵于2009-12-05 周六, 01:19修改,总共修改了6次

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