Savvis CEO quits after controversy over big bill(zt) Bob Sun would never get
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#1: Savvis CEO quits after controversy over big bill(zt) Bob Sun would never get (409 reads) 作者: ceo/cfo 文章时间: 2005-11-26 周六, 23:36
作者:ceo/cfo海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】

himself in trouble like this! Apparently Mr. McCormick 的小头比大头发达。

November 24, 2005, 4:41 PM EST

TOWN AND COUNTRY, Mo. (AP) _ Robert McCormick, the chairman and chief executive officer of Savvis Inc., has resigned after an investigation into a $241,000 bill he charged to a corporate American Express card at a New York City topless club.

Savvis issued a statement Wednesday saying it had accepted McCormick's resignation after an investigation by its audit committee was completed.

"The board has determined that it is in the best interest of the company to accept Mr. McCormick's resignation," said Clyde Heintzelman, head of the company's audit committee.

The company, which provides corporate networking services, said Jack Finlayson will be acting chief executive. He has been Savvis' president and chief operating officer and a director of the company since January 2000.

Savvis filed a motion earlier this month asking a New York state court to dismiss a complaint by American Express, which was trying to recoup the bill that McCormick allegedly charged at Scores, a Manhattan topless club, on Oct. 22, 2003.

Heintzelman said Savvis' audit committee was confident that the board's actions were appropriate.

McCormick, 40, had been on unpaid leave while Savvis investigated the bill. Savvis also had been fighting American Express' lawsuit, saying McCormick had to pay the bill himself.

McCormick, of Clayton, was paid $607,500 in salary and bonus last year. He had previously said through a lawyer for Savvis that he was the victim of fraud. Savvis didn't say whether McCormick would receive any severance.

Savvis said its investigation reconfirmed that McCormick didn't submit the Scores charges to the company for reimbursement and that the company had challenged the bill to both Scores and American Express.

Savvis said in court papers that McCormick's bill at Scores should have been between $18,000 to $19,000.

The letter said McCormick visited Scores with three business acquaintances. He was offered a private room and was told the fee was $1,000 an hour and that dancers charged $400 an hour apiece.

It said that McCormick rented the room "for not more than six hours, during which time between four and six dancers were in the room with McCormick and his guests." It also said he bought drinks for the group but that charges for $240,000 "clearly" were invalid.

作者:ceo/cfo海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】

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