看看外国人对 29岁仍然与父母同住的人 的看法
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#1: 看看外国人对 29岁仍然与父母同住的人 的看法 (1189 reads) 作者: eden 文章时间: 2007-11-05 周一, 05:10
作者:eden海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

A: I'm 29 and still with my folks. I saved a lot of money since I pay nothing for rent or food, but I do help out with the house and landscaping. I have about 120K. Is anyone else here living with parents to save money?

B: Totally pathetic , Grow up.

c: You live in Frisco? That's not suprising, but most parents kick their kids out by 22

D:You're a working adult with $120K in the bank and no living expenses, and you repay your parents for their generosity by "helping out around the house." I wouldn't be proud of that, if I were you.

Doing your share of the household chores is something that should be automatic and expected of any adult, whether they're getting free rent or not. Since you are getting free rent, I hope you do a lot more than that.

What are you saving for? A house? Sounds like you already have one. Your old age? Don't get there and find out you never had a life because you were too busy saving up for it to actually live it.

Damn it, I'm not even 40 yet and I sound like I'm 80. Kids today...

-- E: It's not that straightforward. Some parents would love to have their kids at home. My mother would be ecstatic if I asked to move back home. Some people are just like that...

---F: Mine too, but I don't see any difference, Even if the parents don't want anything in return but your love and gratitude, you don't get handed an opportunity like that without going out of your way to repay it in as many concrete ways as possible. I hope the OP is doing that

-G:are you wating for them to croak then,that means your be 65 and still single someday

H:yep but i just graduated and I am working w/ in my field.

I: I live at home, but that's because like most people who live with their parents, I blow all my rent money on Dungeons and Dragons accessories.

J: bunky, is that you? (without the 120k, though)
--K: No he has savings. It's all he's living off. Since his start up makes nothing.

作者:eden海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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