美Discovery Channel电视今天开始播放Ted Koppel制作的关中国的纪录片 People's
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#1: 美Discovery Channel电视今天开始播放Ted Koppel制作的关中国的纪录片 People's (1716 reads) 作者: 表酱紫 文章时间: 2008-7-10 周四, 10:14
作者:表酱紫海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

美国Discovery Channel电视今天开始播放Ted Koppel制作的关中国的纪录片 People's
Republic of Capitalism 。一共四部分四天播。

The People's Republic of Capitalism

Watch July 9-12 at 10 p.m. ET/PT

Part 1: Joined at the Hip ù Wed., July 9, at 10 p.m. ET/PT

The American and Chinese economies are irreversibly intertwined. The common
complaint that the Chinese are taking jobs away from American workers is
in many cases true. China's cheap and abundant labor attracts manufacturing
from all over the world. Still, American economists estimate that the U.S.
is as much as $70 billion richer each year because of its relationship with
China ùsomething must be going right.

Wal-Mart, America's largest retailer, is able to maintain low prices in
part because of cheap Chinese labor. And when Apple sells a $299 iPod (designed
in California and assembled in China), the American computer company makes
an $80 profit, while the Chinese assembly plant makes just $4.

We'll trace the interconnected web of U.S./China trade, from Mexican migrant
workers in North Carolina to a Chongqing teenager working on a boombox assembly
line; quality control inspectors at Ethan Allen to a Chinese homemaker shopping
at Wal-Mart in Chongqing; and laid-off workers from Briggs & Stratton's
Rolla, Missouri plant to the American who runs the Briggs & Stratton plant
in Chongqing.

Part 2: MAOism TO MEism ù Thur., July 10, at 10 p.m. ET/PT

Chongqing is a city of 13.5 million people ù it could be the most populous
city that most Americans have never heard of. The largest migration in human
history is underway as millions of peasants are on the move from Chinaós
countryside to its booming industrialized cities.

The central government has plans to increase Chongqingós population to 20
million. This population redistribution, combined with the emergence of
capitalism, is having a dramatic effect on Chinese culture. In this episode,
we'll profile a cast of characters in and around Chongqing to examine the
central issues of traditional values, religion, sexuality and political

Part 3: The Fast Lane ù Fri., July 11, at 10 p.m. ET/PT

China's streets have gone from being jammed with bicycles to being jammed
with cars. The nation is adding 25,000 new vehicles to its roads every day
ù that's more than 9 million a year ù and the government is building tens
of thousands of miles of new highways. As millions of new drivers hit the
road, this newfound freedom is bringing more accidents, more traffic and
more pollution.

China will soon become the world's largest producer of cars as well as the
biggest market for new cars. Foreign automakers like GM and Ford are already
enjoying huge success in China ù today, more Buicks are sold in China than
in the U.S. Meanwhile, Chinese automakers are planning an assault on the
U.S. market with low-cost cars and they hope to be in American showrooms
as early as next year.

Part 4: It's the Economy, Stupid ù Sat., July 12, at 10 p.m. ET/PT

China has lifted 300 million people out of poverty in less than a generation.
It's a remarkable feat, but one that has had profound and often harmful
consequences. In this episode, we'll look at the downsides of a booming

Pollution is one of the biggest problems. China powers its economy primarily
with coal, a dirty fuel that blackens its skies and cities. Ted Koppel descends
1,000 feet into a coal mine to show the work and danger involved in relying
on coal to fuel the country's industries.

With increased investment in infrastructure and new business, corruption
is an escalating problem that costs China billions of dollars a year. Koppel
explains what the government is doing to stamp it out.

Finally, we'll examine the thorny issue of human rights and how China's
economy continues to thrive despite the suppression of free speech and the
iron fist of the Communist party. Capitalism, after all, is merely an economic
system. While China has wholeheartedly embraced a capitalist economy, it
still governs its people with communism's authoritarian rule.


Koppel on Discovery is produced by Discovery Channel's managing editor,
Ted Koppel and Tom Bettag, executive producer. They are joined by a team
of some of the best researchers and producers in the industry.

Together they are producing a slate of long-form programming exclusively
for Discovery Channel that touches on some of the most important events,
people and places changing lives today. From field reporting to script writing,
every aspect of the series is shaped by Koppel's 42 years of experience
and unparalleled journalistic integrity.

作者:表酱紫海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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