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主题: [美国经济新闻]沃尔玛的赢利比预测要好,思科则扭亏转赢,实体经济见底很可能正在加速完成.
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作者 [美国经济新闻]沃尔玛的赢利比预测要好,思科则扭亏转赢,实体经济见底很可能正在加速完成.   

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加入时间: 2005/09/14
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文章标题: [美国经济新闻]沃尔玛的赢利比预测要好,思科则扭亏转赢,实体经济见底很可能正在加速完成. (1877 reads)      时间: 2009-2-06 周五, 08:37   

作者:ferncrest海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


New York's Dow Jones industrial average gained 106.41 points to 8,063.07. The Nasdaq composite index rose 31.19 points to 1,546.24 while the S&P 500 index climbed 13.62 points to 845.85.

Retailers including Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Macy's Inc. turned in better-than-expected reports. Wal-Mart's January sales beat Wall Street's forecasts after the chain drew shoppers focused on necessities such as groceries. Macy's, which this week said it would slash 7,000 jobs, on Thursday raised its fourth-quarter and full-year forecasts after reporting its sales.

"We're being overly pessimistic on things like retailers," said Chris Cordaro, chief investment officer at RegentAtlantic Capital LLC in Morristown, N.J.

"People realize you're going to have shop somewhere."

Wal-Mart shares rose $2.14 to US$48.56 while Macy's gained 43 cents to US$8.75.

Cisco Systems shares turned around an early loss to add 51 cents to US$16.35 as the company beat market profit expectations by two cents per share, even as earnings dropped 27 per cent from a year ago. But the tech bellwether said orders declined dramatically in January.

A day before January employment figures are released, jobless claims in the U.S. were reported to have jumped far more than expected last week, rising to a seasonally adjusted 26-year high of 626,000.

Economists believe U.S. job losses came in at about 500,000 during January. Canadian jobs numbers also come out Friday, and are expected to show a monthly loss of 40,000 positions.

The TSX financial sector rose 1.8 per cent as CNBC reported that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission could suspend the so-called mark-to-market accounting rules. Those regulations have punished bank's balance sheets as they struggle with the market value of distressed assets.

Royal Bank (TSX: RY.TO) gained 62 cents to $31.24 and CIBC (TSX: CM.TO) advanced $1.45 to $46.89.

In New York, American Express gained 67 cents to US$17.03 while Bank of America added 14 cents to US$4.84.

The ba<x>se me<x>tals sector gained 8.5 per cent as Teck Cominco Ltd. (TSX: TCK-B.TO) climbed 30 cents to $5 and FNX Mining gained 36 cents to $4.10.

The gold sector was up 2.8 per cent as the April bullion contract on the Nymex climbed $12 to US$914.20 an ounce as investors worry about the effects of the massive amount of spending being undertaken to deal with the deep recession around the world.

"People say, I agree it's important to print all this money to help prevent the great depression - absolutely," said Gavin Graham, director of investments at BMO Asset Management.

"However, being able to put two and two together, this is not going to be good news for the value of the thing you're printing a trillion of this year and a trillion next year. I'm glad we chose inflation not deflation but the fact is we chose inflation, therefore I think I ought to get something they can't print."

Barrick Gold Corp. (TSX: ABX.TO) ran ahead $1.92 to $47.65 and Goldcorp Inc. (TSX: G.TO) gained 77 cents to $37.29.

The TSX energy sector was up 1.9 per cent as the March crude contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange gained 85 cents to US$41.17 a barrel. EnCana Corp. (TSX: ECA.TO) rose $1.53 to $55.70.

Husky Energy Inc. (TSX: HSE.TO) shares were down 53 cents to $29.40 after a sharp drop in earnings and a dividend cut. Husky earned $232 million in the final three months of 2008, down from $1.1 billion a year earlier.

Oilexco Inc. (TSX: OIL.TO) plunged 4.5 cents to 15 cents after lenders demanded immediate repayment of a US$547.5-million credit facility and a 100-million-pound credit line at insolvent Oilexco North Sea Ltd.

The Alberta government announced Thursday that it will try to save thousands of jobs by offering incentives to small energy firms to drill more wells. Hundreds of drilling rigs are now idle in the province after oil prices dropped below US$40 per barrel this fall after a summer high of US$147.

The consumer staples sector moved ahead 1.85 per cent. Shares in Saputo Inc. (TSX: SAP.TO) jumped $2.56 to $21.31. The cheese giant's stock had fallen four per cent Wednesday after quarterly profit fell nearly 30 per cent despite a 19 per cent sales increase.

Shares in Certicom Corp. (TSX: CIC.TO) were up four cents to $3.20 after it said Research In Motion Ltd. is leading the bidding war for the encryption technology company. RIM's offer of $3 per share is "superior" to a bid of $2.10 per share from California-ba<x>sed VeriSign Inc. Mr. Green Mr. Green

作者:ferncrest海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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