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主题: 【提上来】在GYM 观看奥巴马的和平演讲 - 朗朗满溢的钢琴和不完美谢幕【有感】
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作者 【提上来】在GYM 观看奥巴马的和平演讲 - 朗朗满溢的钢琴和不完美谢幕【有感】   
The Fifth Season

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 博导

加入时间: 2008/09/12
文章: 4241

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文章标题: 【提上来】在GYM 观看奥巴马的和平演讲 - 朗朗满溢的钢琴和不完美谢幕【有感】 (2200 reads)      时间: 2009-12-15 周二, 12:24   

作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上个礼拜六去GYM, 一进去就看见O8 苦着脸在C-SPAN 上

难怪,刚刚送上3+ 万大军,生死未免,又要在全世界面前讨个说法,杠上了 ---


来GYM, 该干嘛就干嘛,管自己上“刑具”, 专注 500个 sit-up 的期限!

正在长凳上,头悬地转,放弃与挣扎,天人作战,上气不接下气,猛听的 O8开口道“ Chairman Mao !”

一骨碌爬起来,他已经意气飞扬到多少多少的 Poverty!

正想他如何发挥,这哥们一打遛弯到 波兰团结工会和教皇去了!

7 ! 这本来也多少也与中国有关的事, 俺们国人荣辱不惊,也被他就蜻蜓点水,当作绿叶衬托他这朵红花了!


还好“朗朗”来了!白衣( 白袜?)



不过,奥巴是听懂了,在摄像镜头下颔首侧目,赞许还是暗自得意 :


A war for world peace * - 是一件非常简单的事,我们一直远古的老祖宗都是这么身体力行的!

哪谁谁小白帽美女终于忍不住用面巾纸“捏鼻子” 就这么一小下,也被镜头抓了个正着!



2 ,次,

这么这样拘谨,全然没有刚才 一水的Pose !


室外气温 46°F | °C, 一个人看星辰夜光

Washington Post World peace, climate change, and Nobel Prizes‎ - 1 day ago
By MA Saki Working for world peace cannot be separated from love for the environment. World peace and environmental protection go hand in hand.


President Obama at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony Thursday in Oslo

“---The war in Afghanistan -- something the Nobel judges no doubt look on with disfavor -- just got a lot bigger.
Still, the verdict on Obama's policy of multilateralism, engagement and circumscribed American ambitions is very much still out. Its proponents have said all along that it would take time to show results. And -- partly because of the administration's own missteps -- the critics have failed to notice that at least some of those results are starting to come in. --”

* C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics



Tim Mcgraw - Please Remember Me Lyrics

When all our tears have reached the sea
Part of you will live in me
Way down deep inside my heart
The days keep coming without fail
A new wind is gonna find your sail
Thats where your journey starts

Youll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me

Just like the waves down by the shore
Were gonna keep on coming back for more
cause we dont ever wanna stop
Out in this brave new world you seek
Oh the valleys and the peaks
And I can see you on the top

Youll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me

Remember me when youre out walkin
When the snow falls high outside your door
Late at night when youre not sleepin
And moonlight falls across your floor
When I cant hurt you anymore

Youll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me
Please remember me


作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 【提上来】在GYM 观看奥巴马的和平演讲 - 朗朗满溢的钢琴和不完美谢幕【有感】 -- The Fifth Season - (3284 Byte) 2009-12-15 周二, 12:24 (2200 reads)
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