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主题: 智慧教育学家张庆松博士:智慧教育发展前景展望
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作者 智慧教育学家张庆松博士:智慧教育发展前景展望   

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文章标题: 智慧教育学家张庆松博士:智慧教育发展前景展望 (2358 reads)      时间: 2015-6-18 周四, 07:45   

作者:中华智慧学会海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

国际 智 慧 教 育 学 会

国际智慧教育学会通讯 文件号ZHJY-G15002 2015年6月17日







联系方式:[email protected]

A Business Outlook onWisdom Education

By Zhang Qingsong

1. Introduction

Thisdocument is prepared to provide some general information about the rise ofwisdom studies and the ensuing huge business potential in wisdom education bothin China and in the United States. It provides a strategic analysis on how totap the huge and profitable wisdom education market and a business outlook forpotential financial sponsors and partners.

Theauthor is a well known scholar in history, strategy, IT and wisdom studies. Heis a standing committee member of the China Wisdom Engineering Association anda research associate of the University of Chicago Wisdom Research Project. Hisstrong academic background, expertise in wisdom studies and rich experiences inbusiness strategies make this a well-thought plan.

2. WisdomStudies: a Rising Star

Wisdomis the highest state of human mind, the crown jewel of human civilization. Allraces on the earth share a common interest in and respect for wisdom and havebeen searching for it for thousands of years. But for various reasons, wisdomstill remains a mystery, whose nature and whereabouts are still elusive even tothe most knowledgeable intellectuals today.

Enteringthe 21st Century, however, there is a revival of interests in wisdomstudies in the West and the East. Not only scholarly works on wisdom havesignificantly increased in volumes, there is also a trend showing that wisdomstudies have evolved from sporadic individual efforts to institutionaloperations, and from a neglected subject to become potentially an important andindependent academic discipline.

Themission of wisdom studies is to demystify human wisdom, to find out its maincharacteristics and to find ways to obtain wisdom. A great effort will be madeto fight against the traditional negative stereotypes and misunderstandingsabout wisdom. The key to this effort is the finding of true essence and realbenefits of wisdom and its application values.

Despiteprevious difficulties and repeated setbacks, wisdom studies in this centurywill have a brighter future because humans now have all necessary tools andfavorable social conditions to resolve this ancient mystery. We will also be able to release its hugepotential and use it as powerful resource to help the human society to achievesustainable development in the 21st Century.

3. AnOverview of Wisdom Education

Thenumber one important area for application of wisdom research findings iseducation. Education is not only a huge market for business development, butalso is in a state of urgent need for new ideas, theories and methods toovercome its deficiencies. Right now and for the foreseeable future, the besthope for a solution is the new concept of Wisdom education.

Up tonow, the dominant motto for education is “knowledge”. based on the belief that“knowledge is power,” this traditional approach focuses on impart variousknowledge to students of all ages. For example, the University of Chicago’smotto is: “Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched.”

However,with the coming of information age and globalization, this approach is lookingmore and more inadequate to overcome the challenges brought by the swiftchanges of technology and a new century. The globalization, for example,intensifies global technological and economic competition and requires highlytalented human resources for management and technological innovation. 21stcentury economy needs leaders with comprehensive qualities while traditionaleducation can only provide segmented knowledge. The information explosioncaused by the wide spread information networks is also a double edged sword. Onone hand, it makes information available almost everywhere and at any time; onthe other hand it generates too much information which may bring negativeconsequences such as pressure, confusion, contradiction and even destruction.This presents a double challenge to conventional education: since knowledge isnow easily accessible and a lot of which are freely available, why doeducational institutions still insist on conveying knowledge to students? Underthe situation of information explosion, what can educational institutions do tohelp students deal with the problem of information over-flow? Anotherchallenge, which is also the most fundamental and difficult problem, is theconflict between expansion of knowledge and limitation of available time forlearning.

Wisdomeducation is capable of helping resolving those problems. Wisdom educationdiffers from traditional education in many ways, such as:

· Wisdomeducation set a goal for education to reach the highest state of human mind.

· Wisdomeducation requires students to learn wisdom, in addition to the learning ofknowledge.

· Therefore,the motto of wisdom education should be: “Let wisdom grow from more to more;and so be human life enriched.”

· Wisdomeducation also requires students to learn wisely, so that they can achieve thehigher goals by this new approach.

· Withwisdom education, the learning will be faster, better, useful, more efficientand less stressful.

· Wisdomeducation emphasizes the success of learning more on personal efforts and rightmethods rather than on natural gift of intelligence.

· Wisdomeducation not only teaches the ways of cognition, but also the methods of wise thinking,wise behaving, wise implementing, and wise living.

· Wisdomeducation aims at training students with comprehensive abilities.

· Wisdomeducation can teach students to have more effective control and management ofinformation and knowledge.

· Wisdomeducation will use its system of wise thinking to train people to improve theirways of innovation, leadership and living.

Wisdomeducation involves the following activities:

· Establishingwisdom education agenda and policies

· Wisdomeducation research

· Developmentand implementation of wisdom education plans

· Setteaching and evaluation standards

· Developmentof wisdom education teaching and training programs

· Trainingwisdom education administrators

· Trainingwisdom education teachers

· Wisdomlearning curriculum development and execution

· Trainingwisdom education researchers

· Settingup wisdom education facilities and institutions

· Developingwisdom education technologies

· Wisdomeducation publications

· Othersupporting and out-reaching activities

4. TheOverall Market for Wisdom Education

The needfor wisdom education is not a future trend, but already a real opportunity. Inthe East and the West, educational policy makers are actively searching foralternatives. In China, for example, more and more parents are becomingdisgruntled with the Chinese education system and are spending billions ofdollars to send their kids to overseas for education. The Chinese government isalso unhappy with the current conditions and is inviting suggestions and ideasfor educational reform. In the United States, in contrast with the world-wideview of having the best education system on earth, educational reform is also amajor item on the political agenda. The Obama administration had proposed tolearn from China and in this year’s State of the Union Address has shiftedattention to the German education system.

Eventhough no national governments have made a decision to choose wisdom educationas the banner for future education reform up to now, there are sufficientreasons to believe that we can see the light from the end of the tunnel. Achange is not far. Take China for example, the new Chinese President Xi Jinpinghas shown in his past speeches that he is a firm admirer of wisdom and has madea lot of comments on the need to learn wisdom. He not only urged young peopleto learn wisdom (which if transformed into government policy would open a hugeschool market for wisdom education), but also made “enhancement of wisdom” as arequirement for the training of Chinese leaders. This again would open aleadership training market for wisdom education. Therefore, we believe that thenext ten years will become a golden age for wisdom education in China.

In theUnited States, the concept of wisdom education is gaining more and more attention.University of Chicago has established the first institutionalized wisdom researchproject funded by the John Templeton Foundation (2007). Starting 2012, the projectstarted preparation to offer wisdom learning for college students and wisdomstudies training for graduate students. President Obama has also paid attentionto wisdom learning. In his trip to India in 2007, he made a statement in theIndian Parliament that “no nation can monopolize wisdom.” A disadvantage forthe United States is that it does not have as a long history as China and itsstrength in science and technology may not be translated into strength in thestudy and application of wisdom. On the other hand, United States does havesome advantages, such as experiences in cross-disciplinary research and theactivities of non-profit foundations.

Therefore,both China and the United States offer huge markets for wisdom education. Bothare in urgent need for new educational reform ideas. China might have someadvantages due to its long history and deep-rooted and well developed wisdomculture. But the Unites States can quickly catch up. These are the two marketswith enough size to make a huge successful business in wisdom education.

5. Business Opportunities in WisdomEducation

Eventhough education is a non-profit enterprise, it offers a huge market forbusinesses that provides various intellectual and materialistic supports toeducation. If wisdom education becomes a new champion of education reform andpenetrates every corner of the education market, the business opportunitieswould be enormous.

Theopportunity is enormous because is not just an education concept, but is acomprehensive system that includes not only theories, but also new teachingmethods and materials. Implementing this new system will generate financialinvestments in hardware, software, human resources, publication, research,training, advertising and other economic activities.

Ingeneral, business opportunities in wisdom education come from the followingareas:

· Researchand development

· Consultationon wisdom education policies

· Trainingwisdom education administrators

· Trainingwisdom education teachers

· Collegewisdom education

· Graduatewisdom training

· K-12wisdom education

· Trainingcorporate managers

· Traininggovernment officers and business leaders

· Textbooksand instruction materials on wisdom study courses

· Conferenceand exhibitions on wisdom education

· Advertisingrevenues from popular wisdom education websites

· Multi-mediapublications on wisdom education

· Lifewisdom training

· Wisdomeducation tourism

· Wisdomeducation technologies

· Realestate development projects

Itis reasonable to say that wisdom education could produce trillions of dollarsin business opportunities in the next 10-20 years. The size is huge because weare going to uncover the secrets of wisdom, which would prompt sweeping changesin worldwide education in the 21st Century.

6. WisdomEducation Business Strategies

With itshuge market potential, wisdom education can provide a golden opportunity forbusiness enterprises and venture investors. To take full advantage of thisenormous business opportunity, however, we need to have a right strategy fromthe very beginning. Since we are going to promote and engage in wisdomeducation, our strategy should reflect the fundamental principles of wisdom andbe wise. The following principles can provide a foundation for the wisdomeducation business strategy.

1) objective:the primary objective should be ensuring the healthy start, sustaineddevelopment and great success of wisdom education. This is the base thatbusiness opportunities may flourish. Therefore, our strategy should set thewell-being of wisdom education as primary objective and the business interestsas secondary.

2) Effectiveness:The effectiveness principle is also a key to the future success of wisdomeducation. We should provide convincing arguments and examples to show thatwisdom education is a powerful concept for educational reform and can providesolutions to the challenges that worldwide educators are facing today. Eventhough different nations may have different problems, wisdom education poweredby wise thinking may find solutions to tackle each problem with differentstrategies.

3) Getin early: wisdom education is like a rising star on the horizon. Get in earlywill take a huge step ahead of others and establish a business reputation inthis new field.

4) Research:Wisdom research is the foundation of wisdom education. To engage in wisdomeducation, we should recognize the importance of academic research on wisdomand resources to it as much as needed. A solid foundation on wisdom research wouldensure long-term success in this business.

5) Top-downapproach: because of the urgent need for wisdom education theories, thetraditional “bottom up” research as we seen in the development history of manyacademic disciplines is too slow. We believe that a top-down approach is abetter and feasible alternative.

6) Understanding:wisdom education imparts wisdom to the learners of all ages. A thoroughunderstanding of wisdom is the prerequisite for wisdom education. To succeed inthis business and to achieve maximum potential, a piecemeal understanding(bottom-up) is not good enough. We should develop comprehensive and completeknowledge of wisdom and use this knowledge to guide our educational efforts(top-down).

7) Withsufficient knowledge on wisdom, we can examine the deficiencies of traditionaleducation and the advantages of wisdom education. We should be able to findsolutions to each of the problems in education and in the meantime be able tomaintain integrity and harmony of the wisdom education philosophy.

Cool Knowingthe need: to extend wisdom education to various social groups, we need to knowthe different need of each group and know what aspect of wisdom can be used asa distinctive method in training. To separate wisdom education from otherconventional training programs on the market, wisdom training must showuniqueness and benefits of wisdom.

9) Clarity:wisdom education must provide clear objectives to the wisdom learners so thatthey know what to achieve and how the results may be different from other educationaldoctrines.

10) High and Low Approach: wisdomeducation aims to enhancing people’s potential and motivate them to achieve themaximum level of mental power. However, not all people can achieve this loftygoal. We should teach people how to aim high but also set reasonable objectiveaccording to own conditions. Wisdom theory is capable of granting satisfactionto all been taught.

11) Standards: in order to ensurequality, consistency and clarity, we need to develop teaching and trainingstandard for wisdom education. We should have ways to achieve this objectivewithout sacrificing intellectual diversity.

12) Evaluation: wisdom education mustdevelop various evaluation schemes to test and measure achievements in wisdomquality enhancement.

13) IPR: wisdom education mustrespect intellectual property rights and we should pay close attention to thisissue so that our development will have continued financial support.

14) Priorities: wisdom education mustset priorities for projects which are urgently needed by the market and havebetter financial returns.

7. Roll Out Plan

Weanticipate that we can make a big business for wisdom education in the nexttwenty years. We need to have a long-term plan, mid-term plan and a short-termplan. We will start with the long-term plan.

1) Long-termplan:

The longterm plan covers the period of 11-20 years from now. Because it is too faraway, we can only provide some general objectives. During that period, thefollowing will happen.

· Detailededucational reform based on wisdom educational theories become nationalagendas.

· Wisdomeducation becomes an international trend.

· Wisdomstudies have become an accepted academic discipline.

· Manyschools have established wisdom studies programs

· “LearningWisdom in College” has become a popular course in Chinese and Westernuniversities.

· “Introductionto Wisdom Studies” and “Introduction to Chinese Wisdom Studies” are standardcourses for Wisdom Studies major and graduate students.

· Specializedwisdom training programs become a popular market for adult education.

· Wisdomeducation has become the new core concepts on K-12 education.

· Significantreforms on K-12 curriculum are adopted according to wisdom education plans.

· AK-12 wisdom education standard and evaluation system is developed.

· Wisdomtraining and wisdom education has become a new social movement with services tohundreds of millions every year.

· Beinga leader of wisdom education, our institution will enjoy prestige, popularityand wide acceptance of our wisdom products. We should continue to be theleading institution in wisdom education.

· Wisdomeducation services become a business sector.

2) Mid-termplan

Themid-term plan covers the period of 6-10 years from now. The followingdevelopment is expected:

· Nationalwisdom strategies are studied and published.

· Wisdomeducation is attracting attention of International Agencies.

· Favorablepolicies are adopted to promote wisdom studies and wisdom education.

· Majoruniversities start establishing wisdom studies programs

· Aseries of courses for graduate training are established

· Undergraduatemajors in wisdom studies are offered in some universities

· “LearningWisdom in College” because a core selective course in a lot of universities.

· Wisdomtraining is wide-spreading in some selected social sectors, such as leadershipand health preservation.

· Somekey wisdom paradigms are established in wisdom research.

· Somemultimedia products are released to promote wisdom research and wisdomeducation.

· K-12Wisdom School development plans and evaluation criteria are developed.

· Partialchanges to K-12 core curriculum are implemented according wisdom educationprinciples.

3) Short termplan

Theshort-term plan covers the period of 3-5 years from now.

· Somegovernment policies are adopted and public research funding become available.

· Aninternational wisdom awareness campaign is launched and is gaining momentum.

· LearningWisdom in College enters more than 10 universities.

· Theonline wisdom university courses are becoming more popular.

· Acore Wisdom Studies Major course program (5-10 courses) is established.

· Graduatetraining programs are established to provide wisdom education administratorsand wisdom course instructors.

· K-12wisdom education strategic training gains more market.

· K-12wisdom education teacher training developed more programs.

· Somecore k-12 wisdom education programs are developed to demonstrate the power ofthis new educational concept.

· Atleast two wisdom training programs for high level social groups are establishedand produce significant profits.

4) Start-up Plan

The start-up plan covers a 2 year periodfrom now. It lists the projects that canstart immediately and some new projects to be developed within 2 years.

· “LearningWisdom in College” English text book is developed and exemplary courses areoffered in some colleges.

· “AnIntroduction to Wisdom Studies” text book is developed and experimental coursesare offered.

· “AnIntroduction to Chinese Wisdom Studies” textbook is developed and offered inone Chinese University.

· Thebook of “The Power of Predictive Wisdom: Precision Predictions of the StockMarket” will start online marketing.

· Somewisdom learning information is put online to prepare for the launching of anonline wisdom learning institution.

· Wisdomeducation strategic training programs are established to help educationadministrators to understand and be involved in K-12 wisdom education. Thiswill be a very profitable operation.

· Contactingsome government agencies to lobby for adoption of wisdom education policies.

· SomeK-12 wisdom education materials are developed or integrated for training and curriculumdevelopment.

· Earlytraining of K-12 teachers are developed and experimented.

· Someresearch bases in China are prepared which could lead to both academicdevelopment as well as real estate projects.

· Preparationis made for wisdom study and wisdom education public relations campaign.

· Somewisdom studies and wisdom education norms and formalities are released.

8. Wisdom Education: A Real Life CaseExample

Inrecent years, Chinese government is promoting a nation-wide “Zhihui City”project. In Chinese, “zhihui” means wisdom or wise. So if translated intoEnglish, the project is named “Wise City”. Right now, over 150 Chinese citiesare adopting plans to build “zhihui city” and 1.5 trillion Chinese yuan hasbeen spent on it. So, even before wisdom studies reached its maturity, theconcept of wisdom is already producing huge business opportunities.

However,we are not happy with how the term wisdom or “zhihui” is used by the project.We are concerned that even though it may bring more awareness to wisdom conceptin the near term, it may hurt wisdom studies in the long run. We have compileda report for the International Chinese Wisdom Society analyzing the problem andoffered solutions.

Thefirst problem is that Chinese engineers have misinterpreted the term wisdom. InEnglish countries, similar projects use the title “smart city”. It is clearthat smart is a different term from “wisdom” or “wise”, but in China, the termwas translated to have a meaning of wisdom. There is also no uniformity intranslation of smart into Chinese. For example, some people call smart phonesas “zhineng phones” which is close to original English term, but others callthem “zhihui phones” which means “wise phones”. Smart city was translated into “zhihuicity”, but smart grid is translated into “zhineng grid.”

Furthermore,smart city has nothing to do wisdom. It only involves the wider application ofinformation technology in urban management. Because of some automationfunctions, smart city is a proper term. But wisdom has a lot more than beingsmart. There are special qualifications to be wise. We do not think thatcurrent IT technological products have reached the level of human wisdom.

Oursolution is to unify the translation of “smart” into zhineng in Chinese andprohibit the use of zhihui in smart city projects. Some IT experts in Chinahave perhaps realized this problem and take a precautionary approach by adding “urbanresidents quality enhancement” as part of the “zhihui city” evaluationcriteria.

Then,the question is: who is going to define the wisdom quality and how to enhanceit? To resolve this problem, wisdom study is an indispensable tool. This is oneof the cases demonstrating the urgent need for wisdom study and wisdomeducation in current society.

For further information, contact:

Dr.Zhang Qingsong
Instituteof Chinese Wisdom Studies
Mobile:(909) 569-4889
Email:[email protected]

作者:中华智慧学会海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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