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主题: 如果有兴趣去大连活动的话,商务考察团大连之行邀请您
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作者 如果有兴趣去大连活动的话,商务考察团大连之行邀请您   


文章标题: 如果有兴趣去大连活动的话,商务考察团大连之行邀请您 (1597 reads)      时间: 2004-2-24 周二, 04:37      

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Invitation to Join
The US Business Delegation to Dalian, China
April 26-27, 2004

Hosts in China:
Department of Information Industry of Liaoning Province, China
Bureau of Information Industry of Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China

Composition of Delegation:
Ø Officers or representatives of businesses organizations, especially IT business organizations
Ø Federal/state/county/city government officials including those in charge of foreign trades, international business, or IT industry
Ø Leaders or faculty of academic organizations who are interested in exploring opportunities of cooperation in China, especially in the IT field
Ø Any other business professionals who would like to explore business growth opportunities and/or opportunities of cooperation in China, especially in the area of IT

Main Activities:
Ø General meeting/conference: A general meeting/conference will be held in Dalian. Attending these meetings/conferences will be government, business, and academic leaders and other professionals in the corresponding fields as represented by the US business delegation. Interested delegation members will be given opportunities to make formal business presentations to the general congregation of these meetings/conferences.
Ø One-to-one and one-to-many meetings: Delegation members will have many opportunities to hold one-to-one and one-to-many meetings with government, business, and academic leaders from Dalian as well as from other cities of Liaoning Province.
Ø Site visits to local businesses and/or academic organizations: Depending on the interest of individual delegation members, delegation members will have many opportunities to site-visit local businesses and/or academic organizations.
Ø Guided city tours: Delegation members will also be taken on guided city tours throughout Dalian, the most beautiful city of China, and a city of 5.9 million people.

Expected Outcome:
Ø New-found business-growth opportunities:
o Import
o Export
o Possible new site of operation
o New market
o ……
Ø Opportunities of cooperation:
o Business partnership
o Joint market development
o Joint research project
o Academic exchange
o ……
Ø Better understanding of China and its business culture

As a commitment to delegation members, the hosts will gladly assist delegation members in finding potential cooperation partners in Dalian or in other cities of Liaoning Province, if so desired by delegation members, both prior to and after the two days of formal activities in Dalian.

Importance and Publicity of the Delegation Visit
This will be a highly significant event. Both city leaders and provincial leaders will be greeting the delegation. City, provincial, and/or national media will be covering this event.

Dalian City
Dalian is a very important industry base, IT base, education base, financial center, and tourism base of China. Located in Liaoing Province, it is also known as “the most beautiful city of China”. It is a world-famous harbor city and the only city in China to have made to the “World Most Livable City” list. It is not only rich in beautiful scenery but also advanced in high-tech industry. Among the many national titles Dalian has won in the IT industry are National Software Industry Base (named by China’s National Planning Commission & China’s Ministry of Information Industry), Model City of Software Industry Internationalization (named by China’s Ministry of Science & Technologies), Model City of E-Commerce (named by China’s Ministry of Information Industry), and National Informationalization Pioneer City (named by China’s Ministry of Information Industry).

For more information on Dalian, please visit https://www.dalian.gov.cn. It is available in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Liaoning Province
Liaoning Province, where Dalian city resides, is one of China’s earliest and most important industry bases and is one of China’s earliest opened-up regions. Situated at the center of Northeastern Asia and with a population of 42 million people, Liaoning is only a few hours northeast of Beijing via the freeway (an hour or so by air). The province consists of 14 large or middle-sized administrative cities including world-known cities of Dalian and Shenyang (the capital city of the province).

As the most industrialized province of the nation, Liaoning Province enjoys the best of the nation’s transportation and communication systems and networks. Since the beginning of the People’s Republic of China, Liaoning has been co-leading the country with Beijing both in education and in sports. With a solid economic foundation and abundant economic strength, Liaoning has maintained rapid economic growth. Enjoying many unique favorable initiatives from China’s central government, Liaoning Province is rapidly becoming a popular place of interest for foreign businesses. Today, many of the world’s fortune-500 companies have established operations in Liaoning.
Information industry (or the IT industry) is one of the province’s pillar industries. Liaoning boasts an excellent digital environment. The number of Internet and e-commerce users is growing at a two-digit annual rate. In 2003, the total number of Internet users in the province reached 5 million, and the phone/person rate reached 50 phones/100 people. In 2003, the IT industry of Liaoning Province achieved a sales revenue total of 9.78 billion US dollars, among which 5.07 billion were from the manufacturing sector, 1.31 billion from the software sector, and 3.40 billion from the telecommunications sector.
To promote further development of the IT industry, city governments throughout the province have issued various very favorable IT policies and initiatives. Moreover, the provincial government has set aside dedicated funds in support of IT development in Liaoning. With very IT-minded provincial leaders, Liaoning Province currently has seven IT parks, nine software colleges, and many other universities and colleges that provide IT training. IT businesses in Liaoning enjoy a rich supply of quality yet inexpensive IT professionals, college graduates, and technical labor force. Today, IT companies such as Microsoft, HP, IBM, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, and GE have either established operations or have signed agreements to establish operations in Liaoning.
Other Possible Cities of Visit In Addition to Dalian
Liaoning Province has 14 major administrative cities: Shenyang (the capital city of Liaoning Province), Dalian, Anshan, Fushun, Benxi, Dandong, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Fuxin, Liaoyang, Tieling, Chaoyang, Panjin, and Huludao.

Visits to cities other than Dalian could be individually arranged upon request. No matter what city you choose to visit, you will be surely warmly received by local city government and colleagues.

Expenses Delegation Members Pay
· Airline Tickets Members purchase their own roundtrip airline tickets to and from Dalian.
· Hotel Stay Delegation members pay for their own hotel stay. The hosts will negotiate with local hotels for the best possible rates (delegation members will be able to choose their own room types at check-in). There are many excellent hotels, and their charges are quite reasonable compared with those in the U.S. or even in Beijing or Shanghai, China. For example, even a five-star hotel will cost no more than $80 per night for a standard guest room, including breakfast. Since most of our activities will be group activities and the delegation may be visiting multiple sites each day, for ease of transportation (so that the transportation folks will not miss anyone), the hosts would prefer to have all members stay in the same hotel. (To save members the trouble of finding hotels in cities unfamiliar to them, the hosts will be picking up the members from the airport or train station and taking them to the hotel where the delegation will be staying.)
· Personal Expenses

Please Note: The hosts are not travel agencies. Therefore, delegation members will not pay the hosts for any of their expenses. Instead, they would pay the service providers (such as the travel agents who sell them the airline tickets and the hotel where they stay) directly.

Free Services the Hosts Provide
· Local Transportation The hosts will provide free local transportation in Dalian. For those who desire to visit other cities of Liaoning Province in addition to Dalian, the hosts will also help arrange free local transportation in those cities.
· Meals The hosts will provide free meals from April 25 to April 27.
· Translation Services Delegation members do not need to be able to speak Chinese. The hosts will provide translators and interpreters, and the delegation will find many government, business, and academic personnel in Liaoning Province speaking English as well.
· Meeting Facilities The hosts will provide group and individual meeting rooms and presentation facilities.
· Guided Tours The hosts will arrange and facilitate various guided tours for the delegation.
· Business Assistance Prior to, during, and after the event, the hosts will assist delegation members who wish to explore cooperation opportunities to find potential partners in Liaoning Province.

The Best Day to Arrive
The opening meeting/ceremony will be held on the morning of April 26. Therefore, delegation members could choose to arrive in Dalian anytime before April 26. Although all delegation members are encouraged to attend the opening meeting/ceremony, the hosts understand that individual schedules may not allow such perfection. Therefore, delegation members who are unable to arrive in time are still welcome to join in at any time.

It is very important for delegation members to keep the hosts informed of their individual arrival time and mode of transportation (plane or train) so that the hosts will be able to make proper arrangements to pick them up at the airport or train station.

Possible flight routes:
U.S. à Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc. à Dalian
Dalian à Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc. à U.S.

Delegation members are welcome to schedule other activities on their own (such as visiting Beijing or Shanghai or any other city in China for a few days) as desired. The hosts, however, will be unable to take responsibility for the activities outside Liaoning Province.

Extra Days of Stay in Liaoning
Delegation members are welcome to arrive as many days early or leave as many days late as they would like. If delegation members need help in arranging for extra days of stay in Liaoning Province, the hosts would be happy to provide any needed assistance.

Contact in the U.S.
Dr. Taowen Le
Liaoning Province Information Industry Representative in the US
(801) 395-3548 (Office) (801) 710-9424 (Cellular)
[email protected] or [email protected]

Contact in Liaoning Province, China
Mr. Yi Li, Chief of the General Affairs Division
Department of Information Industry of Liaoning Province
86-24-86913376 (Office) 86-13332472266 (Cellular)
[email protected]

Contact in Dalian City, China
Dr. Jiachen Liu, Deputy Director
Bureau of Information Industry of Dalian City
86-411-3614576 (Office) 86-13332296818 (Cellular)
[email protected]

If Interested, Please Contact Dr. Taowen Le ASAP.

Trip Preparation:
1. Express your interest by contacting Dr. Taowen Le and providing your contact information (including your name, your organization name, your business title, your contact phone number, and your mailing address).

If you are from a company, please also provide a short description of your company (such as what your company does). This will enable the hosts to invite the right companies and professionals from within the province to meet with you so as to make your visit more productive.

2. Receive an official letter of invitation. Upon confirmation of your interest and on behalf of the Department of Information Industry of Liaoning Province, Dr. Le will send you a signed, official letter of invitation.

3. If you do not already have a valid passport, apply for a passport at the local passport agency (you can do so before you receive the official letter of invitation).

4. After receiving the official letter of invitation and your passport, apply for a Chinese visa if you are not a Chinese citizen. The visa application form and instructions can be found at https://www.china-embassy.org.

5. Secure your airline tickets. Travel agencies tend to have better deals than airline companies. You should be able to get very reasonable air fares for April. Roundtrip airfare from the west coast of the U.S. to Dalian typically costs less than $1000 per person. (For your reference, you could call 1-800-887-8702 to get a quote.)

6. Notify Dr. Le and the other contacts in China of your flight information to enable them to facilitate local arrangements. (To be prudent, please email your flight information both to Dr. Le in the US and to the contacts in China.)

To Make the Visit Most Productive
· Prepare and bring many business cards
· Prepare a short business presentation to market your business to the general congregation of meetings/conferences (Delegation members must inform Dr. Le of their desire to make a presentation in order for their presentations to be scheduled in the meeting or conference agenda)
· Bring some business brochures, flyers, and/or other marketing materials
· Bring a set of business attire for formal occasions

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 如果有兴趣去大连活动的话,商务考察团大连之行邀请您 -- snowbird - (13663 Byte) 2004-2-24 周二, 04:37 (1597 reads)
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