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主题: Chronicle of PRC 1984 - ZT
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作者 Chronicle of PRC 1984 - ZT   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2004/02/22
文章: 201

海归分: 13636

文章标题: Chronicle of PRC 1984 - ZT (706 reads)      时间: 2004-6-23 周三, 22:30   

作者:白丁海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Internal Section

February 27-March 28

Beijing, forum on Tibet held by Secretariat of Party Central Committee: In light of Tibet's special features, meeting decides on practical policies for development in Tibet. Calls on Party committees and governments at all levels in Tibet to stress economic construction, culture and socialist ethics and improve work of united front, national unity and religion.

March 26-April 6

Secretariat of Party Central Committee and State Council forum attended by representatives from coastal cities, Beijing. Suggest opening up 14 coastal port cities including: Dalian, Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang, Beihai (Hainan lsland was opened to foreign investment in April 1983).

May 15-31

Beijing, Second Session of Sixth National People's Congress: Zhao Ziyang stresses two major elements for future: restructuring economy and opening to outside world, calls for stepping up of urban reforms.

September 26

Joint Declaration of Government of People's Republic of China and Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Question of Hong Kong and three annexes initialled. British government will restore Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, at which point a special administrative region will be established there, leaving social system and life-style unchanged for 50 years. December 1 9, joint declaration was formally signed in Beijing.

October 1

Celebration of 35th anniversary of founding of People's Republic of China: massive military and cultural parade.

October 20

Third Plenary Session of 12th CPC Central Committee follows six days of preparatory meetings: Unanimously adopts Decision of Central Committee of Communist Party of China on Reform of Economic Structure; details urgent need to accelerate economic restructuring, with emphasis on urban economy, and enumerates its elements. States that socialist economy is planned commodity economy based on public ownership, is indispensable stage in economic growth of society, and prerequisite for China's economic modernization. Deng Xiaoping says this Decision is Chinese style socialist political economy.

Session agrees to convene national Party conference in September 1985.

November 1

Forum of Military Commission, Deng Xiaoping says army's work should be subservient to, and supportive of nation's economic construction.

December 29

Fourth National Writers Congress: Hu Qili makes congratulatory speech on behalf of Secretariat of Party Central Committee. Says Party's leadership of culture should be improved and strengthened. Party should create conditions most conducive to free creation, writers' thoughts and creativity must be in harmony with free atmosphere provided by state.

Foreign Relations

January 10-23

Premier Zhao Ziyang visits United States and Canada.

January 18

China is admitted as full member to Arrangement Regarding international Trade in Textiles (MultiFibre Arrangement ).

March 5-23

Chinese President Li Xiannian visits Pakistan, Jordan, Turkey and Nepal.

April 2

National People's Congress is admitted to Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) at inter-Parliamentary Council's 1 34th session in Geneva. Its president immediately invites NPC delegation to attend the council's session.

April 17-18

Beijing. China and Bhutan begin their first round of negotiations on their shared borders.

May 4-11

General Secretary of CPC Central Committee Hu Yaobang visits Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

May 15

Premier Zhao Ziyang at second session of Sixth National People's Congress declares that China is critical of the discriminatory ``Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'' and announces that China declines to accede to the treaty. But by no means does this mean China favors nuclear proliferation, nor does it mean it will engage in such proliferation by helping other countries to develop nuclear weapons.

May 30-June 16

Premier Zhao Ziyang visits France, Belgium, European Economic Community, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Italy.

August 20-September 5

Chinese Party and government delegation led by President Li Xiannian visits Romania to attend Romania's National Day celebrations the 40th anniversary of the anti-fascist, anti-imperialist revolution. The delegation also visits Yugoslavia.

September 5

China is accepted as full member of Interpol at its 53th assembly.

September 26

Chinese and British negotiators initiate joint declaration on return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty. It says Chinese government has decided to resume exercising sovereignty over Hong Kong from July 1, 1997, and British government will restore Hong Kong to China on same day.

In declaration, Chinese government cites 12 principles. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be directly under authority of Central People's Government of People's Republic of China and shall enjoy high degree of autonomy. Except for foreign and defense affairs which are responsibilities of Central People's Government, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with executive, legislative and independent judicial powers, including power of final adjudication.

The laws currently in force in Hong Kong shall be maintained, the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will consist of residents of the region. The social and economic system currently practised in Hong Kong will be maintained while the region will retain the status of a free port and an international financial center. These principles will be provided for in Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China and will remain unchanged for 50 years.

October 23

China officially deliveres to United Nations a draft regarding prevention of arms race in outer space. The draft, the first delivered to UN by Chinese government regarding the disarmament, stresses that outer space should not become part of the arms race, but rather should be exploited for peaceful aims. The draft calls on all countries, especially those with resources to conduct research in outer space, adopt efficient measures to prevent armaments in outer space.

November 1

Diplomatic relations established with United Arab Emirates.

November 12-23

President Li Xiannian visits Spain, Portugal and Malta.

November 15

Chinese Ambassador Zhang Wenjin delivers letter written by Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian to US Secretary of State George Shultz, in which Chinese government's stand on biological weapons is explained. Letter also states China's approval by the NPC on its accession to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxic Weapons and on Their Destruction.

December 19

Beijing. Joint Declaration of Government of People's Republic of China and Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Question of Hong Kong is formally signed by Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

December 21-28

Soviet First Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers lvan Arkhipovvisits China, during visit the two sides discuss and decide to sign three agreements on economic and technical co-operation, on scientific and technological co-operation and on establishment of a joint committee for economic, trade, scientific and technical co-operation. Arkhipov is the first senior Soviet official of this level to visit officially China in 20 years.

Source: https://chineseculture.about.com/library/china/history/blsyear1984.htm

作者:白丁海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • Chronicle of PRC 1984 - ZT -- 白丁 - (7799 Byte) 2004-6-23 周三, 22:30 (706 reads)
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