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主题: 人物:Kathy Xu  徐新 霸菱亚洲投资基金(Baring Private Equity Partners Asia)的合伙人(转贴)
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作者 人物:Kathy Xu  徐新 霸菱亚洲投资基金(Baring Private Equity Partners Asia)的合伙人(转贴)   

头衔: 海归元勋

头衔: 海归元勋
声望: 大师
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/02/21
文章: 26038
来自: 中国美国的飞机上
海归分: 4196257

文章标题: 人物:Kathy Xu  徐新 霸菱亚洲投资基金(Baring Private Equity Partners Asia)的合伙人(转贴) (2984 reads)      时间: 2005-5-06 周五, 01:45   

作者:安普若海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Kathy Xu

China Head, Baring Private Equity Partners Asia, Hong Kong

Most little girls like stories of romance and adventure at bedtime. Not Kathy Xu. When she was growing up, she loved tales of the state-owned truck factory her father ran in the Sichuan provincial town of Daju. "I would talk to Dad about managing people and products," she recalls. "I've always been curious about business."

Xu's early interest has served her well. As head of China investments for the Baring Private Equity Partners Asia fund, she has picked winners again and again. So far, on investments of $50 million in eight companies, she has cashed out $101 million and is sitting on another $38 million in paper profits. Her best bet: info tech services company Vanda Systems & Communications Holdings Ltd. She bought shares worth $3.6 million in 1998, then sold the stake for $35 million in 2000. In all, six of her investments are in the black and one remains private. Only one has soured.

She attributes her success to self-discipline and tenacity. She held on to Baring's stake in NetEase even when the Chinese Web portal, which listed at $15 per share, saw its share price plunge to 65 cents. Xu says she always believed in NetEase. She was right: The stock has since soared to $43, and her initial investment of $5 million is now worth $40 million.

Now Xu is about to close a $16 million investment with a company that makes talking Chinese-English dictionaries. She has five more deals in the works. Her favorite hobby is meeting with entrepreneurs to find the next big thing. "I want to make lots of money for entrepreneurs, investors, and myself," she says. And as the mother of an infant son, she's ready to regale a new generation with tales of business.

徐新女士:霸菱亚洲投资基金(Baring Private Equity Partners Asia)的合伙人

1988年南京大学外语系毕业,考入中国银行总行营业部,不到一年当选三八红旗手,不久被提升为副科长。 1992年,英国注册会计师协会(ACCA)在中国金融系统招考,她在一百多人中脱颖而出,被送往普华(Price Waterhouse,现在的普华永道)香港公司实习;并在3年后取得英国注册会计师资格。三年后进入百富勤从事直接投资工作;后进入霸菱投资集团任霸菱投资香港公司合伙人、执行董事。
徐主导投资了数家成功的高科技公司,并出任董事。其中包括,中联系统(Vanda System) ,网达国际(Netstar), 康达网络(Comtech),掌中万维(New Plam)。 曾投资网易、中华英才网等企业。

作者:安普若海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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基金系列:2011年中国文化产业专项投资基金研究(转帖) 海归商务 2011-4-29 周五, 13:45
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